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EPOS (European Plate Observing Systems) aims at creating a pan-European infrastructure for solid Earth science to support a safe and sustainable society. EPOS will enable innovative multidisciplinary research for a better understanding of the Earth’s physical and chemical processes that control earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ground instability, tsunami, and all those processes driving tectonics and Earth’s surface dynamics. Through the integration of research infrastructures and data, EPOS will allow scientists to make a step change in developing new geo-hazards and geo-resources concepts and Earth science applications to help address key societal challenges.

IREA is responsible for the WP12 - "Satellite Data", developing the satellite component of EPOS. In particular, the main objective is to offer services (e.g., displacement maps and time series) that have already demonstrated their effectiveness and relevance in investigating the physical processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and unrest episodes.

EPOS website: https://www.epos-ip.org/

Funds: European Union, H2020

Prime contractor: INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology

Period of activity: 2015 -2019

Responsible for CNR-IREA: Michele Manunta

Activity: Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry

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