Labs and equipments

At the headquarters in Napoli there are three main facilities: a bioelectromagnetics laboratory, an optical sensor laboratory and a cluster for remote sensing data processing.



The bioelectromagnetics laboratory is fully equipped with all the instruments needed to expose cell cultures to extremely low frequencies, microwaves, and pulsed electric fields under strictly controlled conditions, and to evaluate the biological effects related to genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogenesis.




The optical sensor laboratory is equipped with devices and tools suitable to design, fabricate and characterize optical and optoelectronic sensors realized by means of optical fiber and planar waveguides. The available facilities include a direct  lithography  system, a small clean room, a micromilling machine and several optical laser sources and detectors.




The cluster for remote sensing data processing, designed and built at IREA, is dedicated to SAR data processing. The architecture is composed of 128 processing units (cores) and 512 GB of RAM; the totally available disk space is about 90 TB.





The Support Unit in Milano is equipped with an optical-electronic laboratory that serves as a collection center for the scientific instrumentation to be used in calibration / validation activities related to remote sensing  data  processing. The laboratory is also equipped with optical bench to be used for laboratory measurements and to check the status of instruments calibration.



In Sirmione del Garda (BS), the Experimental Station "Eugenio Zilioli" is an important support unit for all research activities focused on remote sensing of water quality and to develop the appli-cations interesting the Lake Garda region. Since 1999, the Station collaborates with the Environmental Unit of the Municipality of Sirmione (CRA) for promoting education and divulgation activities in the field of remote sensing of the environment.

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