Genni Testa
Genni Testa
+39 081-76206 43
Senior Researcher


The research activity is focused on the realization and characterization of integrated optofluidic devices for sensing application in both enviromental and biomedical field. 

In particular, the research activity covers the following topics:

-Polymer-based optofluidic sensors

-Integrated optofluidic silicon sensors

-Distributed fiber sensor based on  Brilluoin scattering  


Curriculum-Genni_Testa_4e2daed4e4006.pdf Curriculum-Genni_Testa.pdf

Genni Testa was born in Naples in September 14, 1979. She graduated in Physics (Solid State) with 110/110 cum Laude at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in october 2005. The final graduation work was focused on the setting up of an experimental set-up for the generation and the analysis of non-classical light, generated by the non linear interaction of a laser source with a non linear poled crystal. The work involved both theoretical and experimental aspects, addressing to algorithms design, development and implementation

She received the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering, at the Second University of Naples, in january 2009. The Ph.D. thesis work was focused on the realization and characterization of liquidi core ARROW-based silicon integrated interferometric optofluidic devices for biomedial sensing application and environmental monitoring. 

From 03/05/07 to 15/12/07 she has been visiting scientist at the Delft Institute of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics (DIMES) of the Technological University of Delft (Netherlands), carrying out a research activity focused on realization of silicon integrated optical devices. In particular, during this period, she has attended a basic course on the MST/MEMS technology. 

From november 2008 to june 2010 she worked at the Isituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente, National Research Council (IREA-CNR), with a post-doctoral position. 

From June 2010 she works at IREA-CNR as a temporary research-scientist. Her research activities deals with integrated silicon based and polymer-based optofluidic devices for biosensing application and environmental monitoring and distributed fiber sensor based on Brilluoin scattering for temperature and strain measurements. 


Scientific production

Publication on international journal:


  1. R.Bernini, G.Testa, L. Zeni, P.M. Sarro ,“Integrated Optofluidic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based on liquid core  waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 011106  (2008).
  2. R.Bernini, G.Testa, L. Zeni, P.M. Sarro, “2x2 Optofluidic Multimode Interference Coupler”, IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron. 15, 1478 (2009).
  3. R. Gravina, G.Testa, R.Bernini, “Perfluorinated Plastic Optical Fiber Tapers for Evanescent Wave Sensing”, Sensors 9, 10423 (2009)
  4. G.Testa, Y. Huang, L. Zeni, P.M.Sarro, R. Bernini, “Liquid core ARROW waveguides by Atomic Layer Deposition”, IEEE Photonic Technology letters 22, 616 (2010).
  5. G.Testa, Y. Huang, L. Zeni, P.M.Sarro, R. Bernini,”High visibility Optofluidic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer ”, Optics Lett. 35, 1584 (2010). 
  6. A. Minardo, G. Testa, L. Zeni, R. Bernini, “Theoretical and experimental analysis of Brillouin scattering in single mode optical fiber excited by an intensity- and phase-modulated pump”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 28, 193 (2010)
  7. R. Bernini, A. Minardo, G. Testa, L. Zeni, “Dynamic strain measurements on a cantilever beam using stimulated Brillouin scattering”, Smart Mater. Struct. 19, 045024 (2010).
  8. G.Testa, Y. Huang, L. Zeni, P.M.Sarro, R. Bernini, “Integrated optofluidic ring resonator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 131110 (2010).
  9. G.Testa, R.Bernini, “Slot and Layer-Slot waveguide in the visible spectrum”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, accepted for pbblication (2011)
  10. G.Testa, Y. Huang, L. Zeni, P.M.Sarro, R. Bernini, "Hybrid Silicon-optofluidic ARROW waveguides", Optics Letters, submitted


International conference:

  1. R. Bernini, G. Testa, L. Zeni and P.M. Sarro, "Liquid core integrated interferometer”, IEEE Summer Topical meeting, Acapulco, Mexico 21-23 July 2008.
  2. R. Bernini, A. Minardo, G. Testa and L. Zeni, “Dynamic strain measurement at randomly addressed optical fiber positions using stimulated Brillouin scattering”, EOS Topical meeting, Capri, Italy  27-30 September 2009.
  3. R. Bernini, G. Testa, L. Zeni and P.M. Sarro “Integrated tunable optofluidic MMI coupler”, EOS Topical meeting, Capri, Italy 27-30 September 2009.
  4. R. Gravina, G. Testa, R. Bernini, “Perfluorinated polymer optical fiber tapers for fluorescence collection”, SPIE Europe Optics Optoelectronics, Prague , Czech Republic, 20-22 April 2009.
  5. R. Bernini, G.Testa, L. Zeni, Y. Huang, P.M.Sarro, “Waveguide-based optofluidic”, SPIE Photonic West 2010 (Invited Talk), San Francisco, California, USA, 23-28 January 2010
  6. R. Bernini, A. Minardo, G. Testa, L. Zeni, “Distributed fiber optic sensor for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2011, 03 – 08 April 2011
  7. G. Testa, Y. Huang,L. Zeni, P. M. Sarro, R.Bernini, “Liquid core integrated ring resonator”, SPIE Photonic west 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, 25 - 27 January 2011.
  8. G. Testa, Y. Huang, P. M. Sarro, L. Zeni, R. Bernini,”Integrated Optofluidic InteRferometric devices”, 1st EOS Conference on Optofluidics (EOSOF 2011), (Invited Talk), Munich,  23-25 May 2011.

National Conference:

  1. R. Bernini, G. Testa, L. Zeni and P.M. Sarro, "Integrated optofluidic Mach-Zehnder interferometer”, XIII Conferenza Nazionale AISEM (Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi), Pisa, 24-26 February 2009.
  2. G. Testa, R. Bernini, L. Zeni, Y. Huang, P.M. Sarro "High sensitivity  Mach-Zehnder interferometer for sub-nanoliter liquid sensing”, XIV Conferenza Nazionale AISEM (Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi). Messina, 8-10 February 2010.
  3. G. Testa, R. Bernini, Y. Huang, P. M. Sarro, L. Zeni, “,Integrated Optofluidic InteRferometric devices based on liquid core ARROW waveguides”, (Invited Talk), Fotonica 2011, Genova, 9-11 Maggio 2011.

Phd Thesis: Integrated optofluidic inteferometric devices based on liquid core ARRROW waveguides, (2009).



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