Biological effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields


Power lines, as well as powered devices present in the living environment, generate in the surrounding areas electric and magnetic fields at 50 Hz. This is the frequency associated with the power generation and delivery network in Italy and in most of the world, and is part of the extremely low frequencies range (ELF, 0-300 Hz). Although the effects of ELF fields are under investigation for about 30 years with particular attention to the leukemia onset, scientific knowledge of biological effects and their relevance with respect to health risks is still unclear. The in vitro biological research, carried out at IREA, aims to find possible biological mechanisms explaining interactions between ELF fields and living organisms to give plausibility to the hypothesis of carcinogenicity of these fields.

Human peripheral lymphocyte cultures are mainly employed, which represent a good biological system for in vitro studies. They are easily obtained from venipuncture, have ubiquitous distribution in the body with continuous circulation in the lymphatic tissues, moreover laboratory protocols are well standardized. For the exposures, devices ensuring high magnetic field homogeneity, typically based on Helmholtz coils, are realized. In particular, magnetic field distributions are evaluated by means of computational and experimental measurements, to carry out controlled exposures. The exposure systems, PC-driven, are housed in cell culture incubators in order to ensure optimal conditions in biological samples in terms of temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity. Identical exposure systems but fed in such a way to generate zero magnetic field, are employed to house the control samples (sham samples) in order to exclude that the observed effects may arise from the conditions inside the exposure system instead of the magnetic field. Exposures, continuous or intermittent, are carried out by varying exposure duration, waveform and magnetic field intensity. Following exposures, cell samples are processed to evaluate biological endpoints for which biological effects have been reported, and evidence of replication in the literature already exists. The effects on DNA (genotoxic effects) have a key role since DNA damage is always present in the early stages of carcinogenesis. Classical and molecular cytogenetic techniques are employed at IREA, for the evaluation of genotoxic effects in mammalian cell cultures.

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ISI Journals

S. Bonassi, A. Znaor, C. Ceppi, L. Lando, W.P. Chang, N. Holland, M. Kirsch-Volders, E. Zeiger, S. Ban, R. Barale, M.P. Bigatti, C. Bolognesi, A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, E. Fabianova, A. Fucic, L. Hagmar, G. Joksic, A. Martelli, L. Migliore, E. Mirkova, M.R. Scarfì, A. Zijno, H. Norppa, M. Fenech, “An increased micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes predicts the risk of cancer in humans”, Carcinogenesis, 28, 3, 625-631, 2007. 

Vijayalaxmi, J.P. McNamee, M.R. Scarfì, “Comments  on  DNA  Strand  Breaks  reported  by Diem  et  al.  in  Mutation  Research.,  583,  178-183,  2005  and Ivancsits  et  al.  in  Mutation  Research.,  583,  184-188,  2005 Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 603, 104-106, 2006.

R. Palumbo, D. Capasso, F. Brescia, P. Mita, M. Sarti, F. Bersani, M.R. Scarfì, “ Effects on apoptosis and oxidative stress on Jurkat cells exposed to 50 Hz electromagnetic fields”, Bioelectromagnetics, 27, 2, 159-162, 2006.

M.R. Scarfì, A. Sannino, A. Perrotta, M. Sarti, P. Mesirca, F. Bersani, “Evaluation of Genotoxic Effects on Human Fibroblasts Following Intermittent Exposures to 50 Hz Electromagnetic Fields: a Confirmation Study”, Radiation Research,164, 3, 270-276, 2005.

O. Zeni, F. Bersani, M.R. Scarfì, “Radiological workers sensitivity to 50 Hz pulsed magnetic fields: Preliminary Results”, Radiation Environmental Biophysics, 41, 275-279, 2002.

 M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, C. Franceschi, F. Bersani, “Micronucleus frequency and cell proliferation in human lymphocytes exposed to 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields”, Health Physics, 76, 3, 244-250, 1999.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, R. Di Pietro, C. Franceschi, F. Bersani,  “50 Hz, 1 mT  sinusoidal magnetic fields do not affect micronucleus frequency and cell proliferation in human lymphocytes from normal and Turner’s syndrome subjects”, Electro & magneto-biology, 16, 3, 301-307, 1997.

M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, M. Della Noce, O. Zeni, C. Franceschi, D. Monti, G. Castellani, F. Bersani,  “Exposure to 100 Hz pulsed magnetic fields increase micronucleus frequency and cell proliferation in human lymphocytes”, Bioelectrochemistry. & Bioenergetics, 43, 1, 77-81, 1997.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, R. Di Pietro,  C. Franceschi, D. Iafusco, M. Motta, F. Bersani, “Cytogenetic effects induced by extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic fields in lymphocytes from Turner's syndrome subjects”, Bioelectrochemistry. & Bioenergetics, 43, 221-226, 1997.

M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi,  F. Bersani, “Lack of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei induction in human lymphocytes exposed to pulsed magnetic fields”, Mutation Research, 306, 129-133, 1994.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, O. Zeni, M.B. Lioi,  G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “50 Hz a.c. sinusoidal electric fields do not exert genotoxic effects (micronuclei formation) in human lymphocytes”, Radiation Research, 135, 64-68, 1993. 


International conference proceedings

M.R. Scarfì, O. Zeni, “Biological effects and biomedical applications of Electromagnetic fields”, in “Proceedings of the Bilateral Meeting Microwave in Italy and France: State of the Art” MISA 2008. Salerno, Italy, May 21-23, 2008. ENEA publisher, C. Leonelli and A. Colaiuda Editors, pp. 37-44 (2009). ISBN: 978-88-8286-208-4

M.R. Scarfì, “The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay: experimental procedure and application in bioelectromagnetics research”, in “Proceedings of the XXIX URSI General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA 7–16 August 2008.

M.R. Scarfì, “Lymphocytes: a sensor for genotoxic effects of ELF electric and magnetic fields”, in “Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine”, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, F. Bersani Ed., 199-201, 1999.

O. Zeni, M.R. Scarfì, M. Della Noce, F. La Cara, F. Bersani, P.P. De Prisco, “Influence of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field on sea urchin embryogenesis”, in “Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine”, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, F. Bersani Ed., 545-547, 1999.

M. Della Noce, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, F. Bersani, M.R. Scarfì, “ELF magnetic field and ionic resonance: preliminary results on genotoxicity and cell proliferation”, in “Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine”, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, F. Bersani Ed., 665-667, 1999.

A. Cossarizza, M. Capri, S. Salvioli, D. Monti, C. Franceschi, F. Bersani, R. Cadossi, M.R. Scarfì, S. Angioni, F. Petraglia, “Electromagnetic fields affects cell proliferation and citokine production in human cells”, in "Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine" M.Blank Ed., San Francisco Press, 640-642, 1993.

M.R. Scarfí, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, F. Bersani, R. Cadossi, G. d'Ambrosio, R. Massa, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Genotoxic effects of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields”, in "Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine" M.Blank Ed., San Francisco Press, 654-656, 1993.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Micronuclei formation in human lymphocytes exposed to 50 Hz a.c. electric fields”, in "Electromagnetics in medicine and biology", C.T. Brighton and S.R. Pollack eds., San Francisco Press, 159-162, 1991.


Italian Journals

C. Marino, P. Galloni, L. Gatta, M.R. Scarfì, G.A. Lovisolo, “La ricerca sui campi elettromagnetici e lo stato dell’arte per la valutazione di cancerogenicità”, Energia, ambiente e innovazione, 3, 24-42, 2002.

M.R. Scarfì, G. Franceschetti, M.B. Lioi, “Some results on the cytogenetic effects of low-frequency fields in lymphocytes”, Alta Frequenza, 58, 337-339, 1989.


Participation in international conferences

 M.R. Scarfì, “Genotoxicity of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields”, Annual meeting of UK Environmental Mutagen Society, Nottingham, UK, 29 June – 1 July  2011.

M.R. Scarfì, “Genotoxicity of electromagnetic fields”, European Environmental Mutagen Society, 40th Annual Meeting, Oslo, Norway, 15-18 September 2010.

M.R. Scarfì, “Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Exposure on DNA: Negative Studies”, BEMS 32nd Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, 14-18 June 2010.

O. Zeni, M.B. Lioi, S. Simi, R. Barbieri, D. Zampieri, F. Bersani, M.R. Scarfì, “Genotoxic effects induced by pulsed magnetic fields: different response in different cell types”, XXVI th General Assembly of URSI, Toronto, Canada, 13-21 August 1999.

O. Zeni, M.R. Scarfì, F. La Cara, F. Bersani, P.P. De Prisco, “Effect of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field on the early development of sea urchin: influence of Ca++ ions”, 4th EBEA Congress, Zagabria, Croazia, 19-21 November 1998.

M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, R. Di Pietro, F. Bersani, “100 Hz magnetic field effects on human lymphocytes in vitro”, 3rd International Congress E.B.E.A., Nancy, 29 February- 3 March 1996.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, R. Di Pietro, F. Bersani, “50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields does not induce micronuclei in human lymphocytes”, 3rd International Congress E.B.E.A., Nancy, 29 February- 3 March 1996.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, F. Bersani, M.B. Lioi, G. Franceschetti, O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, C. Franceschi, D. Iafusco, G. Stoppoloni, “Micronucleus induction by ELF pulsed magnetic field on lymphocytes from Turner’s syndrome subjects”, 17th Annual Meeting of the BEMS Society, Boston, 18-22 June 1995.

A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, M. Capri, S. Salvioli, R. Cadossi, M.R. Scarfì, G. Gottardi, F. Bersani, C. Franceschi, “Effects of different electromagnetic signals on human lymphocyte proliferation induced by different mitogens”, 1st World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Orlando, 14-19 June 1992.

F. Bersani, Cossarizza A, Monti D, Moschini G, Scarfì MR, Lioi MB, Zeni O,  Franceschi C: Effects of in vitro exposure of human lymphocytes to 50 Hz a.c. electric fields: decrease cell proliferation and absence of genotoxicity. 1st Congress E.B.E.A., Brussels, 23-25 gennaio, 1992.

M.R. Scarfì, O. Zeni, F. Bersani, L. Gianfreda, “Magnetic field effects on the behaviour of yeast Invertase”, 1st Congress E.B.E.A., Brussels, 23-25 January 1992.

C. Franceschi, A. Cossarizza, Monti D, S. Salvioli, C. Nuzzo, M. Capri, M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, “50 Hz a.c. electric fields affect human lymphocyte proliferation without inducing genotoxic effects”, Annual review of research on biological effects of 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields, Milwaukee, 3-7 November 1991.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Micronuclei formation in human lymphocytes exposed to 50 Hz a.c. electric fields”, 10th annual meeting of the Bioelectrical Repair and Growth Society, Philadelphia, 14-17 October 1990.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Analysis of genotoxic effects of ELF pulsed magnetic fields on human lymphocyte cultures by means of cytokinesis-block micronucleus method”, XII Annual Meeting of the BEMS Society, San Antonio, 10-14 June   1990.


Participation in national conferences

M.R. Scarfì, “Studi di laboratorio in vitro”, Convegno “Salute e campi elettromagnetici: dalla ricerca alla protezione”, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 29-30 Ottobre 2009.

M.R. Scarfì, “Effetti citotossici e genotossici di esposizioni a campi elettromagnetici di bassa e di alta frequenza”, III Convegno Nazionale del Progetto MIUR/CNR-ENEA “Salvaguardia dell’uomo e dell’ambiente dalle emissioni EM”: i risultati, le ricadute, le prospettive di sviluppo, Roma, 25-27 ottobre, 2004.

M.R. Scarfi', O. Zeni, M. Sarti, A. Perrotta, M. Romanò, A. Sannino, R. Di Pietro, M.B. Lioi, R. Barbieri, “Valutazione dell'induzione di effetti genotossici in colture cellulari di mammifero esposte a campi elettromagnetici di bassa e di alta frequenza”, III Convegno Nazionale del Progetto MIUR/CNR-ENEA “Salvaguardia dell’Uomo e dell’ambiente dalle emissioni elettromagnetiche”, Interazione tra campi elettromagnetici e soggetti esposti,  Roma, 1-2 aprile 2004.

C. Marino, F. Bersani, A. Ramundo-Orlando, M.T. Santini, M.R. Scarfì, “Analisi e misure degli effetti morfologici e funzionali su sistemi cellulari”, II Convegno Nazionale del Progetto “Salvaguardia dell’Uomo e dell’ambiente dalle emissioni elettromagnetiche”, Strumenti e Tecniche di Misura per la protezione dell’uomo e dell’ambiente dai campi elettromagnetici. Firenze, 28-29 maggio 2003.

M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, O. Zeni, M. Della Noce, F. Bersani, “ Effetti genotossici di campi elettromagnetici ELF su linfociti umani”, XIV Congresso Nazionale di Radioprotezione: ieri e oggi. Caserta, 1-3 luglio 1996.

M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, M.B. Lioi, F. Bersani, O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, C. Franceschi,  D. Iafusco, G. Stoppoloni, “Effetti genotossici di campi magnetici pulsati in linfociti di soggetti affetti da sindrome di Turner”, Associazione Italiana di Protezione contro le Radiazioni; Convegno Monotematico: "Radiazioni non ionizzanti: effetti Biologici, Sanitari ed Ambientali". Como, 7-9 settembre 1994.

M.R. Scarfì, O. Zeni, F. Bersani, M.B. Lioi, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti,  G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Effetti genotossici di campi elettromagnetici   ELF”, Riunione di studio su "Interazioni tra campi elettromagnetici e sistemi biologici", Napoli, 9-10 dicembre 1991.

F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, G. d'Ambrosio, R. Massa, D. Monti, M.R. Scarfì,  C. Franceschi, “Effetti genotossici dei campi elettromagnetici: analisi mediante il test dei micronuclei”, Riunione monotematica SIRR "Interazione tra campi elettromagnetici e biosistemi: effetti non termici, meccanismi e applicazioni", Aquila, 29-30 ottobre1990.

A. Cossarizza, F. Bersani, D. Monti, M.R. Scarfì, G. Moschini, C. Franceschi, “Effetti di campi elettromagnetici ELF sulla proliferazione linfocitaria in vitro”, Riunione monotematica  SIRR "Interazione tra campi elettromagnetici e biosistemi: effetti non termici, meccanismi e  applicazioni", Aquila, 29-30 ottobre, 1990.



G. Franceschetti, D. Riccio, M.R. Scarfì, B. Sciannimanica, “Esposizione ai  campi elettromagnetici: guida alle norme”, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, 1999.

Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Fisica

Università di Napoli "Federico II" - Dipartimento di Fisica