Coasts and Lake Assessment and Monitoring by PRISMA HYperspectral Mission is a research project to be developed between 2011 and 2015, which aims to verify the potential of the sensor PRISMA (and hyperspectral satellite sensor of ASI, lunch planned in 2013) in water quality applications. The project aims to define the algorithms for water quality assessment from PRISMA, by considering the complexity and variability of optical properties usually met in coastal and lake waters. Within CLAM-PHYM fin situ data collection is also performed being an important source for calibration/validation of data and products. Coordinated by ISMAR-Venice CLAM PHYM includes two other partners CNR-IIA Rome and CNR-IREA Milano.)
Funding body: Italian Space Agency
Prime contractor: CNR-ISMAR
Period of activity: 2011 - 2015
IREA project manager: Claudia Giardino
Collaborators: Mariano Bresciani, Mauro Musanti, Giacomo De Carolis
Research topic: Optical Remote Sensing