New opportunities for SMEs from space technologies

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New opportunities for SMEs from space technologies: an event in Milano for disseminating European DORIS_net project and GMES Programme. 

The Lombardia GMES (Global Monitoring for Environmental and Security) Regional Contact Office (RCO), hosted at CNR IREA, in collaboration with theDG Industria, Artigianato, Edilizia e Cooperazione of Regione Lombardia, is organising a main event in Milano in January dedicated to the SMEs with the participation of all regional space stakeholders (decision makers, researchers, users, providers, regional cluster) and GMES experts.

The aim of this initiative is to inform about the possibilities offered by GMES; to develop new services and new market opportunities from space technologies and to involve regional SMEs as potential providers or developers of GMES downstream services.

The agenda of the meeting includes public presentation of the European Initiative GMES and its supporting tools for SMEs; introduction of the European network of Regional Contact Offices (RCO) established within the project DORIS_Net;  success stories presented by SMEs and Regional Authorities that are offered as potential ideas to SMEs.

In the afternoon face-to-face meetings between SMEs and experts of different topics covered by GMES (land, marine, atmosphere, emergency, security) will take place.
Location: Palazzo Lombardia, Milano, site of the regional offices of Regione Lombardia.

Date of the event: 30.01.2012

for more information: please write This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,
or contact: Anna Basoni or  Paola Carrara

for further information, download the IREA press release or read the brief report or the venue (in Italian)

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