As part of the events to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the National Research Council of Italy, the Department of Engineering, ICT and Technology for Energy and Transport (DIITET) organized on December 10, 2013 in Rome a conference entitled "The Sustainable City: scientific and technological innovation for efficient, healthy and safe cities". Purpose of the initiative was to present projects, methodologies, tools, developed by the Institutes afferent to DIITET, aimed at creating smart cities designed to improve life quality. During the day the journalist Daniele Cerrato – TV host of TGR Leonardo, interviewed some experts in the CNR. Among them Gianfranco Fornaro, senior researcher at IREA, who dealt with the theme of Global security for the city: technologies for satellite monitoring of urban areas and infrastructures.
The sustainable city: scientific and technological innovation for efficient, safe and healthy cities
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Research activity in evidence
Cooperative effects between electromagnetic fields and environmental pollutants or model molecules
In the bioelectromagnetic research, the synergistic interaction between both low…