Third annual day of SERIT

logo seritThe next July 8, with the organizational and logistical support of IREA, it will be held the third annual day of SERIT, the national technology platform promoted by CNR and Finmeccanica which includes companies and institutions in Italy dealing with research in the field of security. The event will be an opportunity to present the third Volume of the SERIT Platform which includes national priorities to support in “Horizon 2020”.

The day will begin with the greeting of the President of the National Research Council of Italy, the Mayor of Naples and the President of the Campania Region. Then, in the Round Table chaired by a representative of the European Commission, funding opportunities for the themes "Security in H2020", with particular reference to the role of research and industry in Southern Italy, will be discussed. In the afternoon there will be a brief presentation of IREA which, with the laboratory Radar for security applications and monitoring of the territory, won the Serit Award 2012, the recognition to the public and / or private Italian laboratory which stood out for the research and innovation in the field of Security.

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