Laying the first stone of the CNR Technology Hub in Naples

Nuova sede 9It has been held today, July 2, the ceremony of laying the first stone of the new headquarters of the Technology Hub of the National Research Council of Italy in Naples. The ceremony was opened by the President of CNR, Luigi Nicolais, and the interregional administrator for Public Works of Campania and Molise Giovanni Guglielmi. The complex will house the Institute for Research on Combustion (IRC) and the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA). The operation is part of a comprehensive plan of development related to global arrangement of CNR structures in Naples. progetto nuova sede smallThe project, edited and prepared by the Interregional Superintendency for Public Works in Campania – Molise, as Contracting Authority, involves the construction of three buildings arranged around a central courtyard, a typology that allows the maximum integration between green and constructed parts and excellent solutions from both a functional and aesthetic point of view. In addition to the current architectural lines, it has been provided for the application of the latest methods of construction in seismic areas and the use of methodologies for energy saving.

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