Assigned to IREA the Serit Award 2012

premio Serit smallDuring the second annual day of Serit (Security Research in ITaly), the Italian technological platform on security promoted by CNR and Finmeccanica, the laboratory Radar for security applications and monitoring of the territory of IREA received the Serit Award in the headquarters of CNR in Rome yesterday, June 27.

The laboratory, whose referents are Gianfranco Fornaro and Francesco Soldovieri, operates in the domains "Technology & crisis management for the protection of people, assets and infrastructures" and "Detection & Identification systems". The award is a recognition for the public and / or private Italian laboratory which stood out for research and innovation in the field of Security with regard to Technological Excellence & Innovation, Management Excellence and Working Environment.

Serit brings together Italian companies and agencies dealing with research in the field "Homeland Security". This means development of skills and technologies designed to detect, prevent, deter and manage the impact of criminal acts, including the terrorist ones, or aimed at mitigating risks from natural, man-made and industrial disasters. Currently more than 250 partners belong to Serit, including the National Research Council, Alenia Aeronautica, Selex Elsag, Enea, the Fiat Research Centre, The Catholic University of “Sacro Cuore”, the Polytechnic University of Turin.

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