Follow the CNR research vessel Urania in the campaign in the Adriatic Sea, May 3-17, 2012

UraniaFrom May 3 to 17, 2012 three research institutes of CNR, IREA, ISMAR and ISSIA will share the CNR research vessel Urania to achieve some measurement campaigns in the Adriatic Sea. This is just one of more than 300 expeditions that Urania has been performing for 20 years of scientific work in the Italian seas and in the Mediterranean, but for the first time there will be the opportunity to follow some aspects of the campaign via the web. For some days researchers will experience a special logbook which will document real-time the expedition stages and the activities carried out during the mission. By connecting to the online platform, it will be possible to read the notes on board, consult the dynamic map, leave comments and send messages.


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