IREA among the local organizers of the International Space Apps Challenge

space apps 2015


The fourth International Space Apps Challenge will take place all around the world on April 11 and 12, 2015. This is the largest worldwide Hackathon with thousands of participants in all continents who collaborate and work together over 48-hours to design innovative solutions for the most thrilling challenges that world is facing today. NASA is leading this global collaboration along with a number of government collaborators and over 100 local organizing teams across the globe.

IREA is one of the local organizers of this mega event, along with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico IIin collaboration with the U.S. Consulate Southern Italy. Dr. Chandrakanta Ojha, a Research Fellow at IREA, along with other scientists of IREA have taken the initiative for organizing the Space Apps Challenge 2015 in Napoli.

For more details and/or to partecipate in the event click on the link


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