Published the SCENIHR final opinion on the potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields


As part of the activities that the European Commission plays in monitoring the potential effects of electromagnetic fields on health, IREA participates in the activities of SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks).

The researchers Maria Rosaria Scarfì and Olga Zeni, named "external experts" by the Commission, have contributed to the drafting of the “Opinion on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)", published March 6, 2015.

Primary purpose of the "Opinion" is to update the previous report of 2009 through the review of the scientific literature on the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields published in the period 2009-2014. In addition, the new publication covers areas for which, in the past, major "gaps in knowledge" had been identified, and discusses the possible mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological systems and the potential role of co-exposures to environmental stressors.

Read the SCENIHR opinion on potential health effects of electromagnetic fields pdf 

Read a summary of the Opinion in this easy to read fact sheet  pdf 


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