Berrettoni C, Trono C, Tombelli S, Giannetti A, Berneschi S, Baldini F, Grimaldi IA, Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, Porro G, Gärtner C, "A point-of-care device for immunosuppressants monitoring in transplanted patients", in “Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014”, Compagnone, D., Baldini, F., Di Natale, C., Betta, G., Siciliano, P. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 27-31.
Minardo A, Coscetta A, Porcaro G, Giannetta D, Bernini R, Zeni L, "Structural health monitoring in the railway field by fiber-optic sensors", in “Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014”, Compagnone, D., Baldini, F., Di Natale, C., Betta, G., Siciliano, P. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 359-363.
Villa P, Duan H, Loiselle SA, "Using Remote Sensing to Assess the Impact of Human Activities on Water Quality: Case Study of Lake Taihu, China", in "Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment", Younos T, Parece TE (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 85-110.
Book chapters - year 2015
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Research activity in evidence
Spaceborne SAR tomography
Multidimensional SAR focusing, 3D (space) and 4D (space-time), more commonly…