Brivio PA, Boschetti M, Carrara P, Stroppiana D, "Continental wide assessment of vegetation cover anomalies from time series of satellite products", in "Remote Sensing Optical Observations of Vegetation Properties", Maselli F, Menenti M, Brivio PA (Eds), Research Signpost, Trivandrum (India), pp 165-187.
Crocco L, "Detection of Concealed Targets in Through-the-Wall Imaging", in "Through the Wall Radar Imaging", Amin M (Ed.), CRC Press, pp 449-470.
Soldovieri F, Solimene R, "Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects", in "Radar Technology", Kouemou G (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/7176.
Sarabandi K, Thiel M, Dehmollaian M, Solimene R, Soldovieri F, "Inverse Scattering Approaches in Through-the-Wall Imaging", in "Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging", Amin M (Ed.), CRC Press, pp 185-215.
Bernini R, Zeni L, "Optoelectronics", in "Handbook of Optofluidics", Hawkins AR, Schmidt H (Eds.), CRC Press, pp 5-1 ; 5-33.
L'Astorina A, "Sperimentazione di VIS rapida simultanea", in "La Valutazione di Impatto sulla Salute (VIS) - Quaderni di Moniter" Collana di documentazione a cura di Servizio Comunicazione, Educazione alla sostenibilità, Autori: Ballarini A, Bedeschi M, Bianchi F, Cori L, Linzalone N, Natali M, Regione Emilia-Romagna, pp 53-57.
Book chapters - year 2010
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Research activity in evidence
Characterization of ultrashort electric pulses for the control of biological processes
The application of sufficiently intense and relatively short pulsed electric…