In the archaeological site of Pompeii the school "Geophysics and Remote Sensing for Archaeology"


In the fascinating setting of Pompeii archaeological area, the school "Geophysics and Remote Sensing for Archaeology" will be held from 9 to 13 May 2016.

The course is organised by two Institutes of the National Research Council of Italy, i.e. CNR-IBAM and CNR-IREA, and Soprintendenza Speciale Beni Archeologici Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia.

The School aims at giving the opportunity to scholars, Ph.D. students, researchers and specialists in Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Archaeology to deepen their knowledge and expertise with geophysical and remote sensing techniques for archaeology and cultural heritage documentation and management. The school consists of lectures and on-field practical work.

For more information about contents and timing of courses, registration and Participation download the brochure:



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