Friday, 04 May 2018 10:15

EGU Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award to Giovanni Ludeno

foto premio

During the 2018 General Assembly of the EGU (European Geosciences Union), the largest and most important European event in the field of geosciences, held in Vienna from 8 to 13 April, Giovanni Ludeno, a temporary Researcher at IREA in Naples, received the "Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award", the prize that recognises scientific achievements in the field covered by the related division made by an early career scientist, in the field of Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems.

Ludeno’s research activity – we read in the explanatory statement to the award - highlights his capacity to significantly contribute to the methodological advances in the challenging scientific field of radar data processing for environmental monitoring. He is a worthy recipient of this award.

Giovanni Ludeno received his PhD degree in electronic and computer engineering at the Industrial and Information Engineering Department of the Second University of Naples, Italy, in 2015. Since November 2011, he is based at the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council of Italy.

His area of expertise regards the field of the applied electromagnetics, with a focus on the development of inversion methodologies for radar data processing. He has been mostly involved in the development and assessment of innovative strategies for the estimation of sea state parameters, such as surface currents and bathymetry, from high resolution marine X-band radar data. These methodologies have been applied in operative scenarios, such as the control of sea state parameters during the removal of the Costa Concordia ship wreck at the Isola del Giglio.

Now, he is also working in the field of inverse electromagnetic scattering for radar data processing, in subsoil investigations from ground-based platforms and from drones. Another of his fields of research regards the use of terahertz waves for material characterisation in several fields ranging from vegetation monitoring to archaeology.

He has participated in several European and Italian research projects, among which the flagship initiative ‘RITMARE: the Italian research for the sea’, PONHABITAT (HArBour traffIc opTimizAtion sysTem), and the H2020 project HEritage Resilience Against CLimate Events on Site (HERACLES).


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