Friday, 06 July 2018 17:12

Special issue “Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields in Biology and Medicine: From Mechanisms to Biomedical Applications” (IJERPH)

IJERPHThe International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) - ISSN 1660-4601, Impact Factor 2.145 - covers all the aspects of the environmental sciences, public health, occupational hygiene, and health-related research, in general. The Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) is affiliated with IJERPH.

This special issue, for which Maria Rosaria Scarfì and Olga Zeni are among the Guest Editors, is devoted to experimental, in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies, dealing with exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The focus is on both possible adverse health effects and the beneficial effects, including biomedical applications, with particular attention to interaction mechanisms for the purposes of therapeutic and diagnostic applications.

More details are available at

Deadline for manuscript submissions: February 28, 2019


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