Wednesday, 04 March 2020 18:49

IREA continues to invest in Big Earth Observation Data processing services

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Following a public Invitation to Tender open to all DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms, CNR-IREA has signed a new one-year contract with ONDA, one of the DIAS providers, for the provision of Cloud Computing resources in support of a very large surface deformation analysis over Europe carried out with Sentinel-1 images.

The ONDA solution, tailored on our needs, includes the procurement of five Virtual Servers with relevant storage volumes and advanced computing capabilities. In addition to the default direct access to all public datasets, ONDA proposal also comprises access to Very High-Resolution KOMPSAT-5 SAR data, which are provided in partnership with SI Imaging Services (SIIS) in the framework of the ONDA Data Relay Service.

CNR-IREA takes advantage of ONDA resources for the second consecutive year for a big Earth Observation project aimed at retrieving centimeter to millimeter ground movements covering a large part of the European territory. In particular, the goal of the project is to investigate deformation phenomena due to natural and anthropogenic hazards, such as seismic events, volcanic activity, mass movements, landslides, mining activity, oil and gas extraction and storage, water resources exploitation, and tunneling excavations. Thanks to the availability of the SAR data acquired by the Sentinel-1 Copernicus Mission, Cloud Computing resources are used for massive parallel computational processes for Interferometric SAR (InSAR) applications. The European area is analyzed with an 80 x 80 squared meter resolution to retrieve displacement time series relevant to the last 5 years.

This project is developed in the framework of the activities foreseen by the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) infrastructure and the H2020 ENVRI-FAIR project.


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Surface deformation velocity map, related to Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg, obtained by processing the data acquired between 2015 and 2018 from the Sentinel-1 constellation of the Copernicus program. Sentinel-1 data were processed during the first year of the contract between CNR-IREA and ONDA.
The two boxes on the right show the detail of (top) a mine near the city of Cologne (Germany) and (bottom) the port of Barcelona (Spain), with the deformation time series of two points located in the maximum displacement areas.

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