First Impact Factor for Heritage, the multidisciplinary journal on knowledge and protection of cultural and natural heritage

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HERITAGE journal, founded in 2018 by Nicola Masini (Cnr-Ispc) and Francesco Soldovieri (Cnr-Irea), who are also its Editors in Chief, received its first Impact Factor of 1.7 in the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate) last June.

HERITAGE is a monthly Open Access journal, indexed in Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), and other databases. HERITAGE is dedicated to the issues of knowledge, conservation, management and protection of cultural and natural heritage, with a holistic approach ranging from technologies, best practices and social sciences.

The journal was founded with the idea of encouraging synergistic connections between different disciplines, technologies, themes, application scenarios, approaches (from multidisciplinary to trans-disciplinary), enhancing the areas of cultural and natural heritage, which increasingly represent a frontier area for new methodological and technological advances of interest also in other sectors of knowledge.

For more information about the magazine, go to this link.

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