13th EARSeL Forest Fire Workshop

13 forest fires wotrkshop text imageOn 19-20 September 2024 it will be held in Milan the 13th EARSeL Forest Fire Workshop entitled “Remote Sensing of Forest Fires: Lessons learned and future challenges under a changing climate”.

The workshop has a long history and since the foundation of the Forest Fire Special Interest Group it gathers together scientists, experts, managers, local and international organizations involved in the use of Remote Sensing technologies for monitoring forest fires and their impacts on the biosphere in the framework of the climate crisis and expected climate changes.

The workshop is organized over two days with plenary oral and poster sessions. Abstracts will undergo revision by the scientific committee and accepted contributions from participants to the workshop will be published in a digital book of abstracts.

Abstract submission is open March 31, 2024 at this link 

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Abstract submission is open until 
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