Outreach and Education activities

laboratorio di telerilevamento

In addition to the scientific operations, IREA also shares the importance of basic research and the power of its researchers with the wider community.

The educational outreach team provides specifically crafted programs and educational resources for youth, teachers and members of the general public across Italy and beyond. Most science education initiatives are carried out in collaboration with other institutions, such as the Sirmione Experimental Station "E. Zilioli" .

Furthermoe, the Unit of Milano, in collaboration with the Research Group of CNR Science Communication and Education, carries out researches on the main aspects of science communication. Following is a list of projects of IREA in this field. 

TELEA:  Remote Sensing for Environment Education.

IREA collaborators: Giuseppe Bolzan, Mirco Boschetti, Claudia Giardino, Alba L'Astorina

CATGIS: Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS as Technologies to be introduced in the schools for studying of the environment

IREA collaborators: Alba L'Astorina (Responsible IREA Research Unit); Giuseppe Bolzan, Mirco Boschetti, Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino

RIZOMA: Alla ricerca di ancoraggi per far germogliare la responsabilità ambientale su canneti ed aree umide.

IREA collaborators: Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino, Alba L'Astorina

PAS: Perception and Awareness of Science-  Project of innovative didactic promoted by CNR “Comunicazione della scienza ed educazione” in collaboration with the British Council. The project consits in introducing the scientifica debate in the schools among students, teachers, experts, stakeholders, on topics with scientific implications.

IRPPS Responsabile: Adriana Valente; IREA - Milano Section Responsible:  Alba L'Astorina