Despite the intensification of the in vivo and in vitro experiments on the evaluation of long-term effects of electromagnetic fields has generated in recent decades, a vast scientific literature, the scientific debate is still open on the possible interaction mechanisms specific for low field levels responsible for specific biological effects.…
Ultrashort electric pulses find applications in the field of medicine and biotechnology, but also in the field of energy, environmental engineering and industrial processes. As a matter of fact, electric pulses of microsecond duration, are effectively employed for cancer treatment and gene therapy, in food pasteurization process, cryopreservation, and biomass…
Traditional methodologies, that for more than a century allowed to study lakes, over the last years have been joined by satellite technologies that allow you to monitor large portions of territory, beyond the geo-political boundaries and in remote areas of the planet with frequent and continuous observations over time. Our…
While blowing on the sea surface, the wind transmits a part of its energy to the water particles. This phenomenon gives rise to the formation of ripples on the sea surface (the capillary waves), whose wavelength is of the order of centimeters. Besides, if the wind action is persistent and…
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Research activity in evidence
Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field levels monitoring in urban and working environment
The widespread, nationwide diffusion of sources of low (high voltage…