News in evidence
Thursday, 10 September 2020 20:47
The software package "prismaread" was released
prismaread is an open source software package developed in "R" language by the Institute for Remote Sensing of Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council of Italy with the aim of facilitating access to the data acquired by the innovative PRISMA hyperspectral sensor, recently launched by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).…
Read 17270 times
Friday, 31 July 2020 08:29
Copernicus user stories by IREA in the NEREUS search engine
Under ESA flagship, the Project Copernicus4Regions has collected 99 user stories, titled “Ever Growing Use of Copernicus across Europe’s Regions”. They describe from a user perspective how regional public administrations in Europe have used data and information from the Copernicus Programme to face their challenges, and show benefits to citizens’ lives.…
Read 17479 times
Thursday, 09 April 2020 08:20
Processing Sentinel-2 data in R using sen2r: the paper published by "Computers & Geosciences"
sen2r is an R package developed by the Institute of Remote Sensing of Environment (IREA) of the Italian National Research Council, with the aim to simplify and speed up several steps commonly needed to process Sentinel-2 data. Recently, an important recognition to the worth and usefulness of this tool came…
Read 22596 times
Wednesday, 04 March 2020 18:49
IREA continues to invest in Big Earth Observation Data processing services
Following a public Invitation to Tender open to all DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms, CNR-IREA has signed a new one-year contract with ONDA, one of the DIAS providers, for the provision of Cloud Computing resources in support of a very large surface deformation analysis over Europe carried out…
Read 19679 times
Friday, 28 February 2020 18:07
9th International Workshop THz-Bio 2020
From April 30 to May 3, 2020, at the “Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture” in Erice (Sicily), the 9th International THz-Bio Workshop will take place, in the framework of the activities of the International School of Bioelectromagnetis. Directors of the School are Prof. Ferdinando Bersani, University of…
Read 22660 times
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 14:38
Special Issue "Advanced Electromagnetic Biosensors for Medical, Environmental and Industrial Applications"
Olga Zeni e Stefania Romeo, researchers at IREA-CNR, announce the call of the Special Issue "Advanced Electromagnetic Biosensors for Medical, Environmental and Industrial Applications" of Sensors journal. The interest in and potential of electromagnetic technologies for sensing purposes in medical, environmental, and industrial contexts has been increasing exponentially. The benefits of electromagnetic biosensors include minimally invasive,…
Read 15025 times
Friday, 19 July 2019 13:39
Special Issue of the International Journal of GeoInformation (IJGI)
Gloria Bordogna and Cristiano Fugazza of IREA-CNR announce the call of the Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence for Multisource Geospatial Information" of the International Journal of GeoInformation (IJGI), an international open-access peer-reviewed journal published by MDPI. The Special Issue is devoted to collecting original research contributions focused on the definition and…
Read 18739 times
Friday, 31 May 2019 15:20
Cause-effect relationships between magma and earthquakes during the Etna lateral eruption of December 2018 revealed
The rise of deep magma could be the cause of the seismic swarm that accompanied the 24-27 December 2018 lateral eruption of Mount Etna; this crisis culminated on 26 December with a strong earthquake (ML 4.8) which provoked significant damage in the southeastern region of the volcano. The relationships between…
Read 20807 times
Monday, 08 April 2019 15:14
A new operational service for monitoring deformations in active volcanoes
Researchers from the Institute of Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council (CNR) present in Vienna a new operational service developed for monitoring deformations in active volcanoes Monitoring crustal deformation in active volcanic areas could not be an easy task. Space-borne remote sensing can make the difference with respect…
Read 20871 times
Monday, 04 March 2019 12:26
IREA chooses ONDA for large scale InSAR data processing
IREA, the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, has selected ONDA, through a public invitation to tender open to the DIAS platforms, to provide cloud resources for processing Sentinel-1 data. IREA has already been using the ONDA platform as an early…
Read 21158 times