Monday, 15 October 2012 11:05
XXVI edition of “Futuro Remoto”
IREA participates in the XXVI edition of Futuro Remoto, a great event of science, culture and entertainment, that will be held in Città della Scienza in Naples from October 4 to November 4, 2012. This year's event, titled "The factories of heaven," is devoted entirely to space, a theme dear…
Read 20359 times
Friday, 12 October 2012 10:06
Special Issue of SERIT newsletter
It was devoted to the laboratory Radar for security applications and monitoring of the territory of IREA, winner of the SERIT Award 2012, the special issue of the newsletter of Serit (Security Research ITaly), the national technological platform on security which includes Italian companies and institutions engaged in research in…
Read 23354 times
Thursday, 11 October 2012 09:22
Project 'Nanodem' to reduce the rejection in transplantation has kicked off
One of the greatest risks in operations involving an organ transplant is rejection. To ensure that the immune system accept the new organ, immunosuppressive drugs must be administered in order to avoid crises of graft rejection through inhibition of the immune system's response. However, these drugs lower the whole organism …
Read 20819 times
Friday, 27 July 2012 14:04
An international prize for the satellite monitoring techniques developed at IREA
In the framework of the royal palace in Munich and of the international conference IGARSS 2012, the most important in the field of remote sensing which includes over two thousand scientists from all over the world, the Italian techniques of image processing for satellite monitoring developed at IREA was rewarded…
Read 47155 times
Friday, 27 July 2012 10:37
CNR “Highlights” of research 2010-2011
The latest edition of the CNR "Highlights" has been presented in Rome. The volume contains a selection of the most interesting scientific papers which appeared in international journals and present in the database of Web of Science, chosen by the Editorial Board of the National Research Council of Italy on…
Read 14138 times
Monday, 02 July 2012 13:42
Laying the first stone of the CNR Technology Hub in Naples
It has been held today, July 2, the ceremony of laying the first stone of the new headquarters of the Technology Hub of the National Research Council of Italy in Naples. The ceremony was opened by the President of CNR, Luigi Nicolais, and the interregional administrator for Public Works of…
Read 17674 times
Thursday, 28 June 2012 09:05
Assigned to IREA the Serit Award 2012
During the second annual day of Serit (Security Research in ITaly), the Italian technological platform on security promoted by CNR and Finmeccanica, the laboratory Radar for security applications and monitoring of the territory of IREA received the Serit Award in the headquarters of CNR in Rome yesterday, June 27. The…
Read 23976 times
Friday, 08 June 2012 09:48
Earthquake in Emilia Romagna: satellites measure the ground displacements
It is continuing the monitoring activity from space of the areas affected by the earthquake in Emilia Romagna, started by the Civil Protection Department after the beginning of the seismic sequence. The new radar acquisitions by satellites of COSMO-SkyMed constellation, that the Italian Space Agency has planned over the area in which…
Read 46003 times
Friday, 25 May 2012 12:04
Earthquake in Emilia Romagna: the uplift of the area arrived to 15 centimeters
In the emergency after the earthquake in Emilia Romagna, from the earliest hours subsequent the seism the Civil Protection Department involved the Italian Space Agency, the National Research Council - Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment and the Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in order to program new radar acquisitions by…
Read 45667 times
Friday, 11 May 2012 14:18
Visit to IREA laboratories
Thursday, May 10 a group of students from the Industrial Technical Institute "Antonio Pacinotti" of Scafati (SA) conducted a guided tour of the IREA headquarters in Naples, where students were able to see closely the places where research is carried out, look directly at the working tools and meet researchers.…
Read 18371 times
Tag Cloud
Research activity in evidence
Interaction between electromagnetic fields and nanoparticles
According to an estimate of the World Health Organization, about…