News in evidence
During the World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) held from June 27 to 30 in Otsu, Gloria Bordogna, Senior Researcher at IREA, was awarded the IFSA Fellow grade. The title, reserved reserved for distinguished contributors whose works have had a significant impact on fuzzy logic theory and…
Immediately after the Ischia earthquake of 21 August 2017, researchers at CNR-IREA measured the Earth surface displacements thanks to the data acquired by the European Sentinel-1 and Italian COSMO-SkyMed constellations of satellites. A subsidence up to 4 centimetres was measured close to Casamicciola Terme.  During the post-event phase, the Department…
Monday, 24 July 2017 15:18

Conference Europt(r)ode XIV

IREA, together with the Institute of Applied Physics at Carrara (IFAC-CNR) and the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF), is organizing in Naples the XIV edition of Europt(r)ode, one of the most important Conferences worldwide in the field of optical sensors for chemical and biological applications. Submission of contributions…
Revealed, for the first time in Italy, in the Pollino area, the presence of slow fault movements during a sequence of low magnitude earthquakes, which help to explain why in this area, compared to the rest of the Apennines, the earthquakes of higher magnitude are less frequent. The study was…
The GET-IT software was recently recognized a useful tool to make the INSPIRE Directive operational. GET-IT is now reviewed and registered in the “INSPIRE in Practice” catalogue. “INSPIRE in Practice” is the official INSPIRE platform dedicated to every user engaged in geographic information domain who would adopt tools contributing to…
Despite the copious snow cover and the adverse weather conditions, the Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 satellites allowed a team of IREA-CNR scientists to retrieve the Earth’s surface deformation induced by the recent seismic sequence in central Italy, whose main shock reached a magnitude of Mw 5.5 on 18 January 2017. Thanks to the…
The National Directory of Territorial Data has reported EDI software as a new tool for all Public Administrations committed to enhancing their territorial data heritage. EDI, developed by IREA-CNR under the RITMARE project, responds in particular to the challenges of quality and coherence of geographic information by giving a variety…
Wednesday, 14 December 2016 11:56

Gianfranco Fornaro elevated to IEEE Fellow

Gianfranco Fornaro, Senior Researcher at IREA, has been elevated to Fellow by IEEE for his for contributions to SAR processing in differential interferometry and tomography. The Fellow grade will be effective by 1 January 2017. IEEE, “the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers”, is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated…
Riccardo Lanari, director of IREA, has been announced as the recipient of the 2017 Christiaan Huygens Medal, one of the prizes that the European Geosciences Union (EGU) awards each year to eminent scientists for their outstanding research contribution to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. In particular, the Christiaan Huygens…
The study of ground deformation and seismic sources, now focused on the 30 October 2016 earthquake, is enriched with new important results obtained from the processing of radar images collected from the Sentinel-1 constellation along ascending and descending orbits    Thanks to the new radar images, acquired on 1 November 2016 from…
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