Paola Carrara
Paola Carrara
+39 02 23699 295
Primo Ricercatore


Scientific activity: designing and managing (geographic) information systems and Spatial Data Infrastuctures

Main interests: architectures, technologies and standards for geographic information on the Internet, in particular Web geoservices and the INSPIRE Initiative, (Fuzzy) Information Retrieval, spatio-temporal archives of images


  • coordinator of the SubProject 7 (SP7) of RITMARE, flagship project of the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the leading national marine research project for the period 2012-2016; the goal of SP7 is to create the interoperable infrastructure for the observation network and marine data of RITMARE
  • Advisor for IT issues in the LIFE+ Project EnvEurope (2010-2013), which creates ecological indicators to the SEIS Programme based on the observations collected in the long-term stations of EU-LTER network
  • She has been coordinator of the FP7/Space Project DORIS_Net (2011-2013), aimed at developing a European Platform of Regional Contact Offices (RCO) to foster the creation of GMES/Copernicus downstream services, and responsible for the activities of the Lombardy RCO
  • In the years 2009-2010 she represented Regione Lombardia in the scientific activities of the EO/GMES Working Group of NEREUS, the network of European Regions dealing with space
  • She was responsible of the Italian branch of the project IDE-Univers which created the first European Spatial Data Infrastructure in the research field

She has been member of the Laboratorio Centro di Saggio della Neve e dei Suoli Alpini (LNSA) of the Università di Torino, being involved in the management of the high altitude in situ station at Istituto "A. Mosso" on the Monte Rosa (Italian Alps).
Since 2004 she is member of the Comitato Glaciologico Italiano.

Recent organization activities:

  • Member of the editorial board of the NEREUS/ESA joint publication "60+ uses of GMES across European Regions", published Dec. 2012
  • Guest editor of the special issue if the European Journal of Remote Sensing on "Satellite Remote Sensing in the Service of Regional and Local Authorities", 2012, vol. 45
  • Co-chair of the sub-group 'land' in the Working Group EO/GMES in NEREUS, 2009-2013
  • Co-chair of the special session "Management of uncertain information in the Digital Earth" in the International Conference IPMU 2010, 13th Int. Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, 28 June – 02 July 2010

She published papers in international and national Journals, in books and at Conferences in the topics of her research.

Within IREA she is active in the research theme Sistemi per l'Informazione Geografica.

Since December 2015 she is Responsible of the Milan Unit of IREA.

Curriculum - ITA

CV_carrara_briefen_jul2013_52036bc5ebae6.pdf CV_carrara_briefen_jul2013.pdf

Paola Carrara è ricercatrice del CNR dal 1986. La sua attività scientifica riguarda la progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi informativi, in particolare di architetture, tecnologie e standard per le informazioni geografiche su Internet.
In questi ambiti ha partecipato a numerosi progetti tra cui IDE-Univers, che ha costituito la prima infrastruttura di dati spaziali per la ricerca, ed è ora coordinatrice del SottoProgetto 7 di RITMARE, il Progetto bandiera nazionale per la ricerca sul mare, con il compito di svilupparne l'infrastruttura di dati.
In IREA ha svolto attività di supporto al Programma Europeo Copernicus/GMES, rappresentando la Regione Lombardia nella rete NEREUS delle regioni che si occupano di spazio ed è stata coordinatrice del Progetto FP7 DORIS_Net (2011-13) costituendo la piattaforma Europea dei Regional Contact Office Copernicus.
E' autore di numerose pubblicazioni su rivista internazionale e guest editor di numeri speciali.
Nel 2001 ha ricevuto il Best Presentation Award al 15th Int. Symposium "Informatics for Environmental Protection" di Zurigo per il contributo "An event-based archive of soft maps for the analysis of glacier changes".

Dal 7 dicembre 2015 è responsabile della Sede secondaria di Milano di IREA.

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