Ghiaccio marino e remote sensing
Ultimo aggiornamento Lunedì 25 Novembre 2013 11:16
Nell'ambito delle attività di ricerca relative allo sviluppo di metodi per l'estrazione di parametri del ghiaccio marino con l'impiego di osservazioni remote ottico/radar, il giorno lunedì 2 Dicembre 2013 si terrà un seminario internazionale, relatore: Dr John Fletcher del Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics dell'Università di Cambridge
L'incontro comincerà alle ore 11:00 e si svolgerà presso la Biblioteca IREA via Bassini, 15 Milano. L'invito a partecipare è rivolto a chiunque fosse interessato.
Sensing, fractals, and sea ice
John Fletcher
Dept. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physicis (DAMTP)
University of Cambridge (UK )
It is common for naturally occurring structures to possess multiscale properties which are suitable to be modelled as a fractal, and it seems plausible that such structures could confer multiscale properties to a field of scattered radiation. In this situation, it is sometimes possible to extract information about the geometry of the scattering medium from the small-scale structure of the scattered field. Sensing based around this idea is potentially very efficient, since (unlike most conventional techniques) it does not require the availability of measurements over many correlation lengths.
One well-known example of a natural multiscale medium is sea ice. This talk will present recent research into the sensing of the geometry of random multiscale faceted surfaces, and discuss potential applications to the remote sensing of sea ice properties.