Mercoledì, 13 Febbraio 2013 18:04

Contributi in rivista - anno 2013

Contributi in rivista: 20102011, 2012 20132014, 2015201620172018


  1. Galli A, Comite D, Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, Pettinelli E, “3D Imaging of Buried Dielectric Targets with a Tomographic Microwave Approach Applied to GPR Synthetic Data”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation.

  2. Romeo S, D'Avino C, Zeni O, Zeni L, “A Blumlein-type, Nanosecond Pulse Generator with Interchangeable Transmission Lines for Bioelectrical Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 20 (4), pp 1224-1230.

  3. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “A Linear Inverse Scattering Algorithm for Radar Imaging in Multipath Environments”, IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (5), pp 1085-1089.

  4. Gennarelli G, Romeo S, Scarfì MR, Soldovieri F, “A Microwave Resonant Sensor for Concentration Measurements of Liquid Solutions”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13 (5), pp 1857-1864.

  5. Alperovich L, Eppelbaum L, Zheludev V, Dumoulin J, Soldovieri F, Proto M, Bavusi M, Loperte A, “A new combined wavelet methodology: implementation to GPR and ERT data obtained in the Montagnole experiment”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (2).

  6. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “A non specific microwave sensor for water quality monitoring”, International Water Technology Journal, Vol. 3 (2).

  7. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, “A novel measurement technique for the broadband characterization of diluted water ferrofluids for biomedical applications”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49 (6), pp 2903-291.

  8. Yang Y, Pepe A, Manzo M, Casu F, Lanari R, “A region-growing technique to improve multi-temporal DInSAR interferogram phase unwrapping performance”, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 4 (10), pp 988-997.

  9. Villa P, Laini A, Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, “A remote sensing approach to monitor the conservation status of lacustrine Phragmites australis beds”, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Vol. 21 (6), pp 399-416.

  10. Yang Y, Pepe A, Manzo M, Bonano M, Liang DN, Lanari R, “A simple Solution to Mitigate Noise Effects in Time-Redundant Sequences of Small Baseline Multi-look DInSAR Interferograms”, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 4 (6), pp 609-618.

  11. Romeo S, D'Avino C, Pinchera D, Zeni O, Scarfì MR, Massa R, “A waveguide applicator for in vitro exposures to single or multiple ICT frequencies”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 61 (5), pp 1994-2004.

  12. Criscuolo L, Pepe M, Seppi R, Bordogna G, Carrara P, Zucca F, “Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 2 (3), pp 680-703.

  13. Aubry A, De Maio A, Jiang B , Zhang S, “Ambiguity function shaping for cognitive radar via complex quartic optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61 (22), pp 5603-5619.

  14. Crocco L, Di Donato L, Catapano I, Isernia T, “An Improved Simple Method for Imaging the Shape of Complex Targets”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 61 (2), pp 843-851.

  15. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Analysis of Water Pollution by a Microwave Cavity Sensor”, Sensor Letters, Vol. 11 (9), pp 1561-1566.

  16. Bresciani M, Rossini M, Morabito G, Matta E, Pinardi M, Cogliati S, Julitta T, Colombo R, Braga F, Giardino C, “Analysis of within- and between-day chlorophyll-a dynamics in Mantua Superior Lake, with a continuous spectroradiometric measurement”, Marine and Freshwater Research, Vol. 64 (4), pp 303-316.

  17. Di Martino G, Iodice A, Riccio D, Ruello G, Zinno I, “Angle independence properties of fractal dimension maps estimated from SAR data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 6 (3), pp 1242-1253.

  18. Atzori S, Chiarabba C, Devoti R, Bonano M, Lanari R, “Anomalous far-field geodetic signature related to the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake”, TERRA nova, Vol. 25 (5), pp 343-351.

  19. Rossini M, Fava F, Cogliati S, Meroni M, Marchesi A, Panigada C, Giardino C, Busetto L, Migliavacca M, Amaducci S, Colombo R, “Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water stress in maize, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 86, pp 168-177.

  20. Balbarani S, Euillades PA, Euillades LD, Casu F, Riveros N, “Atmospheric corrections in interferometric synthetic aperture radar surface deformation – A case study of the city of Mendoza, Argentina”, Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 35, pp 105-113.

  21. Perna S, Zamparelli V, Pauciullo A, Fornaro G, “Azimuth-to-Frequency Mapping in Airborne SAR Data Corrupted by Uncompensated Motion Errors”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (6), pp 1493-1497.

  22. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Bend-Induced Brillouin Frequency Shift Variation in a Single-Mode Fiber”, IEEE photonics technology letters , Vol 25 (23) pp 2362-2364.

  23. Fornaro G, Reale D, Verde S, “Bridge Thermal Dilation Monitoring With Millimeter Sensitivity via Multidimensional SAR Imaging”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (4), pp 677-681.

  24. Del Negro C, Currenti G, Solaro G, Greco F, Pepe A, Napoli R, Pepe S, Casu F, Sansosti E, “Capturing the fingerprint of Etna volcano activity in gravity and satellite radar data”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 3.

  25. Bolpagni R, Bettoni E, Bonomi F, Bresciani M, Caraffini K, Costaraoss S, Giacomazzi F, Monauni C, Montanari P, Mosconi MC, Oggioni A, Pellegrini G, Zampieri C, “Charophytes of Lake Garda (Northern Italy): a preliminary assessment of diversity and distribution”, Journal of Limnology, Vol 72 (2), pp 388-393.

  26. Aubry A, De Maio A , Pallotta L, Farina A, “Covariance matrix estimation via geometric barycenters and its application to radar training data selection”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol. 7 (6), pp 600-614.

  27. Cascini L, Peduto D, Reale D, Arena L, Ferlisi S, Verde S, Fornaro G, “Detection and monitoring of facilities exposed to subsidence phenomena via past and current generation SAR sensors”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol 10 (6).

  28. Gómez-Enri J, Scozzari A, Soldovieri F, Vignudelli S, “Envisat radar altimetry for coastal and inland waters: case-study of the Concordia ship to understand non-water targets using a tomographic technique”, International Water Technology Journal, Vol. 3 (2), pp 60-69.

  29. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Pirozzi S, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Experimental modal analysis of an aluminum rectangular plate by use of the slope-assisted BOTDA method”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol 22 (12).

  30. Del Ventisette C, Ciampalini A, Manunta M, Calò F, Paglia L, Ardizzone F, Mondini AC, Reichenbach P, Mateos RM, Bianchini S, Garcia I, Füsi B, Deák Zv, Rádi K, Graniczny M, Kowalski Z, Piatkowska A, Przylucka M, Retzo H, Strozzi T, Colombo D, Mora O, Sánchez F, Herrera G, Moretti S, Casagli N, Guzzetti F, “Exploitation of large archives of ERS and ENVISAT C-band SAR data to characterize ground deformations”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 5 (8), pp 3896-3917.

  31. Hansson Mild K, Hand J, Hietanen M, Gowland P, Karpowicz J, Keevil S, Lagroye I, van Rongen E, Scarfi MR, Wilen J, “Exposure classification of MRI workers in epidemiological studies”, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 34 (1), pp 81-84.

  32. Reale D, Fornaro G, Pauciullo A, “Extension of 4-D SAR Imaging to the Monitoring of Thermally Dilating Scatterers”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51 (12), pp 5296-5306.

  33. Nordebo S, Gustafsson M, Nilsson B, Sjöden T, Soldovieri F, “Fisher information analysis in electrical impedance tomography”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (6).

  34. Iero D, Isernia T, Crocco L, “Focusing Time Harmonic Scalar Fields in Complex Scenarios: A Comparison”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 12, pp 1029-1032.

  35. Iero D, Isernia T, Crocco L, “Focusing time harmonic scalar fields in non-homogenous lossy media: Inverse filter vs. constrained power focusing optimization”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103 (9), pp 093702-1 - 093702-4.

  36. van der Kruk J, Slob E, Crocco L, “Foreword to the Special issue on Advanced GPR imaging and inversion for hydrogeophysical and subsurface property estimation”, Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 11 (2), pp 115-116.

  37. Bonano M, Manunta M, Pepe A, Paglia L, Lanari R, “From Previous C-band to new X-band SAR Systems: Assessment of the DInSAR mapping improvement for deformation time-series retrieval in urban areas”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51 (4), pp 1973-1984.

  38. Soldovieri F, Catapano I, Barone PM, Lauro SE, Mattei E, Pettinelli E, Valerio G, Comite D, Galli A, “Gpr estimation of the geometrical features of buried metallic targets in testing conditions”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 49, pp 339-362.

  39. Kadioglu S, Kadioglu YK, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography for the safety management of a cultural heritage site: Miletos Ilyas Bey Mosque (Turkey)”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10.

  40. Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, “High sensitivity UV fluorescence spectroscopy based on an optofluidic jet waveguide”, Optics Express, Vol. 21 (20), pp 24219-24230.

  41. Boschetti M, Nutini F, Brivio PA, Bartholomé E, Stroppiana D, Hoscilo A, “Identification of environmental anomaly hot spots in West Africa from time series of NDVI and rainfall”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 78, pp 26-40.

  42. Pierri R, Bolomey JC, Liu QH, Soldovieri F, “Inverse Scattering and Microwave Tomography in Safety, Security, and Health”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 589598.

  43. Bucci OM, Isernia T, Perna S, Pinchera D, “Isophoric Sparse Arrays Ensuring Global Coverage in Satellite Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

  44. Iodice A, Natale A, Riccio D, “Kirchhoff scattering from fractal and classical rough surfaces: Physical interpretation”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61 (4), pp 2156-2163.

  45. Nutini F, Boschetti M, Brivio PA, Bocchi S, Antoninetti M, “Land-use and land-cover change detection in a semi-arid area of Niger using multi-temporal analysis of Landsat images”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (13), pp 4769-4790.

  46. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Limitations and strategies to improve measurement accuracy in differential pulse-width pair Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensing”, Applied Optics, Vol. 52 (13), pp 3020-3026.

  47. Cennamo N, D'Agostino G, Donà A, Dacarro G, Pallavicini P, Pesavento M, Zeni L, “Localized surface plasmon resonance with five-branched gold nanostars in a plastic optical fiber for bio-chemical sensor implementation”, Sensors, Vol. 13 (11), pp 14676-14686.

  48. González PJ, Samsonov SV, Pepe S, Tiampo KF, Tizzani P, Casu F, Fernández J, Camacho AG, Sansosti E, “Magma storage and migration associated with the 2011-2012 El Hierro eruption: implications for crustal magmatic systems at oceanic island volcanoes”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 118 (8), pp 4361-4377.

  49. Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, Laini A, Matta E, Bartoli M, Giardino C, “Multitemporal analysis of algal blooms with MERIS images in a deep meromictic lake”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, pp 445-458.

  50. Tizzani P, Castaldo R, Solaro G, Pepe S, Bonano M, Casu F, Manunta M, Manzo M, Pepe A, Samsonov S, Lanari R, Sansosti E, “New Insights into the 2012 Emilia (Italy) seismic sequence through advanced numerical modeling of ground deformation InSAR measurements”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 40 (10), pp 1971-1977.

  51. Piezzo M, Aubry A, Buzzi S, Maio AD, Farina A, “Non-cooperative code design in radar networks: A game-theoretic approach”, Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2013 (1), Article number 63.

  52. Lamberti P, Tucci V, Romeo S, Sannino A, Scarfi MR, Zeni O, “nsPEF-induced Effects on Cell Membranes: Use of Electrophysical Model to Optimize Experimental Design”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 20 (4), pp 1231-1238.

  53. Gennarelli G, Riccio G, “Obtuse-angled penetrable wedges: A time domain solution for the diffraction coefficients”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 27 (16), pp 2020-2028.

  54. Adamo M , Matta E, Bresciani M, De Carolis G, Vaiciute D, Giardino C, Pasquariello G, “On the synergistic use of SAR and optical imagery to monitor cyanobacteria blooms: The Curonian Lagoon case study”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 46 (1), pp 789-805.

  55. Brumana R, Oreni D, Cuca B, Rampini A, Pepe M, “Open access to historical information for landscape analysis in an SDI framework”, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, Vol. 4 (3), pp 18-40.

  56. Cennamo N, Massarotti D, Galatus R, Conte L, Zeni L, “Performance comparison of two sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber”, Sensors, Vol. 13 (1), pp 721-735. 

  57. Iodice A, Natale A, Riccio D, “Polarimetric two-scale model for soil moisture retrieval via dual-pol HH-VV SAR data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 6 (3), pp 1163-1171.

  58. De Carolis G, Adamo M, Pasquariello G, De Padova D, Mossa M, “Quantitative characterization of marine oil slick by satellite near-infrared imagery and oil drift modelling: the Fun Shai Hai case study”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (5), pp 1838-1854.

  59. Aubry A, De Maio A, Pallotta L, Farina A, “Radar detection of distributed targets in homogeneous interference whose inverse covariance structure is defined via unitary invariant functions”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61 (20), pp 4949-4961.

  60. Soldovieri F, Natale A, Gorishnyak V, Pavluchenko A, Pavluchenko A, Denisov A, Chen LJ, “Radiometric Imaging for Monitoring and Surveillance Issues”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2013.

  61. Minardo A, Porcaro G, Giannetta D, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Real-time monitoring of railway traffic using slope-assisted Brillouin distributed sensors”, Applied Optics, Vol. 52 (16), pp 3770-3776.

  62. Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “RF/Microwave Imaging of Sparse Targets in Urban Areas”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 12, pp 643-646.

  63. Soldovieri F, Masini N, Alvarez de Buergo M, Dumoulin J, “Safety issues in cultural heritage management and critical infrastructures management”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (6).

  64. Ruch J, Pepe S, Casu F, Solaro G, Pepe A, Acocella V, Neri M, Sansosti E, “Seismo-tectonic behavior of the Pernicana Fault System (Mt Etna): a gauge for volcano flank instability?”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 118 (8), pp 4398-4409.

  65. Cennamo N, D'Agostino G, Galatus R, Bibbò L, Pesavento M, Zeni L, “Sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber for the detection of trinitrotoluene”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. (188), pp 221-226.

  66. Villa P, Pompilio L, Boschetti M, Pepe M, “Spectroradiometric Field Surveys in Remote Sensing Practice: A Workflow Proposal, from Planning to Analysis”, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, Vol. 1 (2), pp 37-51.

  67. Cascini L, Peduto D, Pisciotta G, Arena L, Ferlisi S, Fornaro G, “The combination of DInSAR and facility damage data for the updating of slow-moving landslide inventory maps at medium scale”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 13 (6), pp 1527-1549.

  68. Millington TM, Cassidy NJ, Crocco L, Soldovieri F, “Tomographic GPR imaging using a linear inversion algorithm informed by FDTD modelling: A numerical case study of buried utility pipes monitoring”, Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 11 (2), pp 221-230.

  69. Bovenga F, Nitti DO, Fornaro G, Radicioni F, Stoppini A, Brigante R, “Using C/X-band SAR interferometry and GNSS measurements for the Assisi landslide analysis”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (11), pp 4083-4104.

  70. Romeo S, Wu Y, Levine ZA, Gundersen MA, Vernier PT, “Water influx and cell swelling after nanosecond electropermeabilization”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, Vol. 1828 (8), pp 1715-1722.



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