Bordogna G, Sterlacchini S, “A Multi Criteria Group Decision Making Process Based on the Soft Fusion of Coherent Evaluations of Spatial alternatives”, in Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing, Zadeh LA, Abbasov AM, Yager RR, Shahbazova SN, Reformat MZ (Eds), Springer-Verlag, pp 65-80.
Berrettoni C, Trono C, Tombelli S, Giannetti A, Berneschi S, Baldini F, Grimaldi IA, Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, Porro G, Gärtner C, "A point-of-care device for immunosuppressants monitoring in transplanted patients", in Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014, Springer International Publishing, pp 27-31.
Ludeno G, Reale F, Dentale F, Carratelli EP, Natale A, Serafino F, "Estimating Nearshore Bathymetry from X-Band Radar Data”, in Coastal Ocean Observing Systems, Elsevier Inc., pp 265-280.
- Kraft DH, Colvin E, Bordogna G, Pasi G, “Fuzzy Information Retrieval Systems: A Historical Perspective”, in Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications, Volume 326 of the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Tamir DE, Rishe ND, Kandel A (Eds), Springer International Publishing, pp 267-296.
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Giardino C, Bresciani M, Matta E, Brando VE, "Imaging Spectrometry of Inland Water Quality in Italy Using MIVIS: An Overview", in The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer International Publishing, pp 61-83.
- Testa G, Persichetti G, Bernini R, “Microfluidic optical methods: A review”, in Threats to the Quality of Groundwater Resources: Prevention and Control, Scozzari A, Dotsika E (Eds), Springer-Verlag, pp 257-278.
- Corsetti M, Manunta M, Marsella M, Scifoni S, Sonnessa A, Ojha C, “Satellite techniques: New perspectives for the monitoring of dams”, in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5: Urban Geology, Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation, Springer International Publishing, pp 989-993.
Minardo A, Coscetta A, Porcaro G, Giannetta D, Bernini R, Zeni L, "Structural health monitoring in the railway field by fiber-optic sensors", in Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014, Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 359-363.
Casu F, Manconi A, Elefante S, Zinno I, “Surface displacement time series retrieved by fully exploiting space-borne SAR data”, in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, Springer International Publishing, pp 417-420.
Ferlisi S, Peduto D, Gullà G, Nicodemo G, Borrelli L, Fornaro G, “The use of Dinsar data for the analysis of building damage induced by slow-moving landslides”, in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, Springer International Publishing, pp 1835-1839.
Villa P, Duan H, Loiselle SA, "Using Remote Sensing to Assess the Impact of Human Activities on Water Quality: Case Study of Lake Taihu, China", in "Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment", Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 85-110.
Bordogna G, Kliment T, Frigerio L, Carrara P, "Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatial Data Infrastructures to promote s-Low resources: the case study of the "Orti di Bergamo" Smart application", in Centrality of Territories, Casti E, Burini F (Eds), Sestante Edizioni, pp 165-182.
Martedì, 21 Aprile 2015 14:35
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