Contributi in rivista - anno 2017

Contributi in rivista: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019


  1. Bordogna G, Capelli S, Ciriello DE, Psaila G, “A cross-analysis framework for multi-source volunteered, crowdsourced, and authoritative geographic information: the case study of volunteered personal traces analysis against transport network data”, Geo-Spatial Information Science, doi: 10.1080/10095020.2017.1374703.

  2. Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “A Data Processing Chain for Terahertz Imaging and Its Use in Artwork Diagnostics”, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 38 (4), pp 518-530. 

  3. Iero DAM, Crocco L, Isernia T, “Advances in 3-D electromagnetic focusing: Optimized time reversal and optimal constrained power focusing”, Radio Science, Vol. 52 (1), pp 166-175.

  4. Sannino A, Zeni O, Romeo S, Massa R, Scarfì MR, “Adverse and Beneficial Effects in Chinese Hamster Lung Fibroblast Cells Following Radiofrequency Exposure”, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 38(4), pp 245-254.

  5. Albano M, Barba S, Solaro G, Pepe A, Bignami C, Moro M, Saroli M, Stramondo S, “Aftershocks, groundwater changes and postseismic ground displacements related to pore pressure gradients: Insights from the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 122 (7), pp 5622-5638.

  6. Le Touz N, Dumoulin J, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “A joint thermal and electromagnetic diagnostics approach for the inspection of thick walls”, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data SystemsOpen Access, Vol 6 (1), pp 81-92.

  7. L'Astorina A, Di Fiore M, “A new bet for scientists?: Implementing the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach in the research practices”, Relations, Vol. 5 (2), Pages 157-174.

  8. Bordogna G, Cuzzocrea A, Frigerio L, Psaila G, Toccu M, “An Interoperable Open Data Framework for Discovering Popular Tours Based on Geo-Tagged Tweets”, International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Vol. 10 (3-4), doi: 10.1504/IJIIDS.2017.087255.

  9. Bucci OM, Migliore MD, “A novel nonuniform fast fourier transform algorithm and its application to aperiodic arrays”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 16, pp 1472-1475.

  10. Bolpagni R, Bresciani M, Fenoglio S, “Aquatic biomonitoring: Lessons from the past, challenges for the future”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 76(s1), doi: 10.4081/jlimnol.2017.1695.

  11. Azzella MM, Bresciani M, Nizzoli D, Bolpagni R, “Aquatic vegetation in deep lakes: Macrophyte co-occurrence patterns and environmental determinants”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 76 (S1), pp 97-108.

  12. Pepe A, Calò F, “A Review of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR (InSAR) Multi-Track Approaches for the Retrieval of Earth's Surface Displacements”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 7(12), doi:10.3390/app7121264. 

  13. Cheloni D, D'Agostino N, Selvaggi G, Avallone A, Fornaro G, Giuliani R, Reale D, Sansosti E, Tizzani P, “Aseismic transient during the 2010-2014 seismic swarm: Evidence for longer recurrence of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes in the Pollino gap (Southern Italy)?”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7 (1), doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00649-z.

  14. Esposito C, Pauciullo A, Berardino P, Lanari R, Perna S, “A Simple Solution for the Phase Offset Estimation of Airborne SAR Interferograms Without Using Corner Reflectors”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 14 (3), pp 379-383.

  15. Lauro SE, Gennarelli G, Pettinelli E, Soldovieri F, Cantini F, Rossi AP, Orosei R, "A strategy for an accurate estimation of the basal permittivity in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits”, Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 65 (3), pp 891-900.

  16. Rosati I, Bergami C, Stanca E, Roselli L, Tagliolato P, Oggioni A, Fiore N, Pugnetti A, Zingone A, Boggero A, Basset A, “A thesaurus for phytoplankton trait-based approaches: Development and applicability”, Ecological Informatics, Vol 42, pp 129-138. 

  17. Nutini F, Stroppiana D, Busetto L, Bellingeri D, Corbari C, Mancini M, Zini E, Brivio PA, Boschetti M, “A weekly indicator of surface moisture status from satellite data for operational monitoring of crop conditions”, Sensors, Vol. 17 (6), doi: 10.3390/s17061338.

  18. Casu F, Manunta M, Agram PS, Crippen RE, “Big Remotely Sensed Data: Tools, applications and experiences”, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.09.013.

  19. Zeni O, Simkó M, Scarfi MR, Mattsson M-O, “Cellular Response to ELF-MF and Heat: Evidence for a Common Involvement of Heat Shock Proteins?", Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 5, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00280. 

  20. Candiani G, Picone N, Pompilio L, Pepe M, Colledani M, "Characterization of fine metal particles derived from shredded WEEE using a hyperspectral image system: Preliminary results”, Sensors, Vol 17 (5), doi: 10.3390/s17051117.

  21. Lauceri R, Bresciani M, Lami A, Morabito G, “Chlorophyll a interference in phycocyanin and allophycocyanin spectrophotometric quantification”, Journal of Limnology, doi: 10.4081/jlimnol.2017.1691. 

  22. Solari L, Ciampalini A, Raspini F, Bianchini S, Zinno I, Bonano M, Manunta M, Moretti S, Casagli N, "Combined use of C- and X-band SAR data for subsidence monitoring in an urban area”, Geosciences, Vol. 7 (2), doi:10.3390/geosciences7020021. 

  23. Granell C, Miralles I, Rodríguez-Pupo LE, González-Pérez A, Casteleyn S, Busetto L, Pepe M, Boschetti M, Huerta J, “Conceptual architecture and service-oriented implementation of a regional geoportal for rice monitoring”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 6 (7), doi:10.3390/ijgi6070191.

  24. Vivone G, Braca P, Granström K, Natale A, Chanussot J, “Converted measurements Bayesian extended target tracking applied to x-band marine radar data”, Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 12 (2), pp 189-210. 

  25. Raffa F, Ludeno G, Buscaino G, Sannino G, Carillo A, Grammauta R, Spoto D, Soldovieri F, Mazzola S, Serafino F, “Coupling of wave data and underwater acoustic measurements in a maritime high traffic coastal area: a case study in the Strait of Sicily”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 34 (12), pp 2589-2599.

  26. Caló F, Notti D, Galve JP, Abdikan S, Görüm T, Pepe A, Şanli FB, “DInSAR-based detection of land subsidence and correlation with groundwater depletion in konya plain, Turkey”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (1), doi:10.3390/rs9010083.

  27. Busetto L, Casteleyn S, Granell C, Pepe M, Barbieri M, Campos-Taberner M, Casa R, Collivignarelli F, Confalonieri R, Crema A, Garcia-Haro FJ, Gatti L, Gitas IZ, Gonzalez-Perez A, Grau-Muedra G, Guarneri T, Holecz F, Katsantonis D, Minakou C, Miralles I, Movedi E, Nutini F, Pagani V, Palombo A, Di Paola F, Pascucci S, Pignatti S, Rampini A, Ranghetti L, Ricciardelli E, Romano F, Stavrakoudis DG, Stroppiana D, Viggiano M, Boschetti M, “Downstream Services for Rice Crop Monitoring in Europe: From Regional to Local Scale”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2679159.

  28. Casa R, Pelosi F, Pascucci S, Fontana F, Castaldi F, Pignatti S, Pepe M, “Early stage variable rate nitrogen fertilization of silage maize driven by multi-temporal clustering of archive satellite data”, Advances in Animal Biosciences, Vol. 8 (2), PP 288-292.  

  29. Soldovieri F, Persico R, Editorial for Special Issue "Radar Systems for the Societal Challenges", Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (12), doi:10.3390/rs9121284.  

  30. Imperatore P, Azar R, Caló F, Stroppiana D, Brivio PA, Lanari R, Pepe A, “Effect of the Vegetation Fire on Backscattering: An Investigation Based on Sentinel-1 Observations”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 10 (10), pp 4478-4492. 

  31. Peduto D, Ferlisi S, Nicodemo G, Reale D, Pisciotta G, Gullà G, “Empirical fragility and vulnerability curves for buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides at medium and large scales”, Landslides, Vol. 14 (6), pp 1993–2007.

  32. Lenarduzzi L, Pepe M, “Enhancing and segmenting a remote sensing image of a glacier body”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 137, pp 411-423. 

  33. Manfron G, Delmotte S, Busetto L, Hossard L, Ranghetti L, Brivio PA, Boschetti M, “Estimating inter-annual variability in winter wheat sowing dates from satellite time series in Camargue, France”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 57, pp 190-201. 

  34. Galve JP, Pérez-Peña JV, Azañón JM, Closson D, Caló F, Reyes-Carmona C, Jabaloy A, Ruano P, Mateos RM, Notti D, Herrera G, Béjar-Pizarro M, Monserrat O, Bally P, “Evaluation of the SBAS InSAR service of the European space Agency's Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP)”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (12), doi:10.3390/rs9121291.  

  35. Bucci OM, Bellizzi G, Borgia A, Costanzo S, Crocco L, Di Massa G, Scapaticci R, “Experimental framework for magnetic nanoparticles enhanced breast cancer microwave imaging”, IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp 16332-16340. 

  36. Campos-Taberner M, García-Haro FJ, Camps-Valls G, Grau-Muedra G, Nutini F, Busetto L, Katsantonis D, Stavrakoudis D, Minakou C, Gatti L, Barbieri M, Holecz F, Stroppiana D, Boschetti M, “Exploitation of SAR and optical sentinel data to detect rice crop and estimate seasonal dynamics of leaf area index”, Remote Sensing, Vol 9 (3), doi:10.3390/rs9030248. 

  37. Scapaticci R, Bellizzi GG, Cavagnaro M, Lopresto V, Crocco L, “Exploiting Microwave Imaging Methods for Real-Time Monitoring of Thermal Ablation”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, doi: 10.1155/2017/5231065. 

  38. Sannino A, Romeo S, Scarfì MR, Massa R, d'Angelo R, Petrillo A, Cerciello V, Fusco R, Zeni O, “Exposure Assessment and Biomonitoring of Workers in Magnetic Resonance Environment: An Exploratory Study”, Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 5 (344), doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00344 

  39. Castaldo R, De Novellis V, Solaro G, Pepe S, Tizzani P, De Luca C, Bonano M, Manunta M, Casu F, Zinno I, Lanari R, “Finite element modelling of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake through the joint exploitation of DInSAR measurements and geologic-structural information”, Tectonophysics, Vol. 714-715, pp 125-132. 

  40. Soldovieri F, Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Liao D, Dogaru T, “Forward-Looking Radar Imaging: A Comparison of Two Data Processing Strategies”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 10 (2), pp 562-571.  

  41. Cheloni D, De Novellis V, Albano M, Antonioli A, Anzidei M, Atzori S, Avallone A, Bignami C, Bonano M, Calcaterra S, Castaldo R, Casu F, Cecere G, De Luca C, Devoti R, Di Bucci D, Esposito A, Galvani A, Gambino P, Giuliani R, Lanari R, Manunta M, Manzo M, Mattone M, Montuori A, Pepe A, Pepe S, Pezzo G, Pietrantonio G, Polcari M, Riguzzi F, Salvi S, Sepe V, Serpelloni E, Solaro G, Stramondo S, Tizzani P, Tolomei C, Trasatti E, Valerio E, Zinno I, Doglioni C, “Geodetic model of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence inferred from InSAR and GPS data”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 44 (13), pp 6778-6787.    

  42. Gullà G, Peduto D, Borrelli L, Antronico L, Fornaro G, “Geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas: the Lungro case study (Calabria, Southern Italy)”, Landslides, Vol. 14 (1), pp 171-188.

  43. Di Mauro B, Baccolo G, Garzonio R, Giardino C, Massabò D, Piazzalunga A, Rossini M, Colombo R, “Impact of impurities and cryoconite on the optical properties of the Morteratsch Glacier (Swiss Alps)”, Cryosphere, Vol. 11 (6), pp 2393-2409.

  44. Di Fiore V, Cavuoto G, Punzo M, Tarallo D, Casazza M, Guarriello SM, Lega M, “Integrated hierarchical geo-environmental survey strategy applied to the detection and investigation of an illegal landfill: A case study in the Campania Region (Southern Italy)”, Forensic Science International, Vol. 279, pp 96-105.

  45. Bucci OM, Perna S, Pinchera D, “Interleaved isophoric sparse arrays for the radiation of steerable and switchable beams in satellite communications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65 (3), pp 1163-1173.

  46. Gennarelli G, Al Khatib O, Soldovieri F, “Inverse source data-processing strategies for radio-frequency localization in indoor environments”, Sensors, Vol. 17 (11), doi:10.3390/s17112469.

  47. De Luca C, Zinno I, Manunta M, Lanari R, Casu F, “Large areas surface deformation analysis through a cloud computing P-SBAS approach for massive processing of DInSAR time series”, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.05.022.

  48. Valerio E, Tizzani P, Carminati E, Doglioni C, "Longer aftershocks duration in extensional tectonic settings”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 7 (1), doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14550-2.

  49. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, “Magnetic Nanoparticle-Guided Blind Focusing of the Electric Field for Microwave Hyperthermia”, IEEE Access, Vol. 5, Pages 17246-17257.

  50. Braga F, Zaggia L, Bellafiore D, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Lorenzetti G, Maicu F, Manzo C, Riminucci F, Ravaioli M, Brando VE, “Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery”, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 198, pp 555-567.

  51. Cerasuolo G, Petrella O, Marciano L, Soldovieri F, Gennarelli G, “Metrological characterization for vital sign detection by a bioradar”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (10), doi: 10.3390/rs9100996.

  52. Bucci OM, Bellizzi G, Bellizzi GG, “Microwave Broadband Characterization of a Diluted Water-Based Ferrofluid in Presence of a Polarizing Magnetic Field”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol 53 (3), doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2633239.

  53. Palmeri R, Bevacqua MT, Crocco L, Isernia T, Di Donato L, “Microwave Imaging via Distorted Iterated Virtual Experiments”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65 (2), pp 829-838.

  54. Persichetti G, Grimaldi IA, Testa G, Bernini R, “Multifunctional optofluidic lab-on-chip platform for Raman and fluorescence spectroscopic microfluidic analysis”, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 17 (15), pp 2631-2639.

  55. Sözer EB, Wu Y-H, Romeo S, Vernier PT, “Nanometer-Scale Permeabilization and Osmotic Swelling Induced by 5-ns Pulsed Electric Fields”, Journal of Membrane Biology, Vol. 250 (1), pp 21-30.

  56. Spyrakos E, O'Donnell R, Hunter PD, MillerC, Scott M, Simis SGH, Neil C, Barbosa CF, Binding CE, Bradt S, Bresciani M, Dall'Olmo G, Giardino C, Gitelson A, Kutser T, Li L, Matsushita B, Martinez-Vicente V, Matthews MW, Ogashawara I, Ruiz-Verdu A, Schalles JF, Tebbs E, Zhang Y, Tyler AN, “Optical types of inland and coastal waters”, Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.10674. 

  57. Ludeno G, Postacchini M, Natale A, Brocchini M, Lugni C, Soldovieri F, Serafino F, “Normalized Scalar Product Approach for Nearshore Bathymetric Estimation From X-Band Radar Images: An Assessment Based on Simulated and Measured Data”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, doi: 10.1109/JOE.2017.2758118

  58. Onorato G, Persichetti G, Grimaldi IA, Testa G, Bernini R, “Optical fiber fuel level sensor for aeronautical applications”, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, Vol. 260, doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.04.015.

  59. Bevacqua MT, Crocco L, Di Donato L, Isernia T, “Non-Linear Inverse Scattering via Sparsity Regularized Contrast Source Inversion”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Vol. 3 (2), pp 296-304. 

  60. Boschetti M, Busetto L, Manfron G, Laborte A, Asilo S, Pazhanivelan S, Nelson A, “PhenoRice: A method for automatic extraction of spatio-temporal information on rice crops using satellite data time series”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 194, Pages 347-365.

  61. Carniel S, Wolf J, Brando VE, Kantha LH, “Preface: Oceanographic processes on the continental shelf: Observations and modeling”, Ocean Science, Vol. 13 (3), pp 495-501.

  62. Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “Reconstruction Capabilities of Down-Looking Airborne GPRs: the Single Frequency Case”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Vol. 3 (4), pp 917-927.

  63. Villa P, Pinardi M, Tóth VR, Hunter PD, Bolpagni R, Bresciani M, "Remote sensing of macrophyte morphological traits: Implications for the management of shallow lakes”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 76 (S1), pp 109-126.

  64. Laborte AG, Gutierrez MA, Balanza JG, Saito Kb, Zwart SJ, Boschetti M, Murty MVR, Villano L, Aunario JK, Reinke R, Koo J, Hijmans RJ, Nelson A, “RiceAtlas, a spatial database of global rice calendars and production”, Scientific Data, Vol. 4, doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.74.

  65. Minzioni P, Osellame R, Sada C, Zhao S, Omenetto FG, Gylfason KB, Haraldsson T, Zhang Y, Ozcan A, Wax A, Mugele F, Schmidt H, Testa G, Bernini R, Guck J, Liberale C, Berg-Sørensen K, Chen J, Pollnau M, Xiong S, Liu AQ, Shiue CC, Fan SK, Erickson D, Sinton D, “Roadmap for optofluidics”, Journal of Optics, Vol. 19 (9), doi: 10.1088/2040-8986/aa783b.

  66. Natale A, Jackson G, Esposito C, Fornaro G, Lanari R, Perna S, "Sea state observation through a three-antenna hybrid XT/AT InSAR configuration: A preliminary study based on the InSAeS4 airborne system”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (8), doi:10.3390/rs9080792.

  67. Bevacqua MT, Isernia T, "Shape reconstruction via equivalence principles, constrained inverse source problems and sparsity promotion”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol 158, pp 37-48.

  68. De Novellis V, Castaldo R, De Luca C, Pepe S, Zinno I, Casu F, Lanari R, Solaro G, “Source modelling of the 2015 Wolf volcano (Galápagos) eruption inferred from Sentinel 1-A DInSAR deformation maps and pre-eruptive ENVISAT time series”, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 344, pp 246-256.

  69. Bordogna G, Carrara P, Kliment T, Frigerio L, Sterlacchini S, “Spatial Data Infrastructures empowered by Interoperable Volunteered Geographic Information”, Plurimondi, Vol VIII (16), pp 107-113.

  70. De Padova D, Mossa M, Adamo M, De Carolis G, Pasquariello G, “Synergistic use of an oil drift model and remote sensing observations for oil spill monitoring”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 24 (6), pp 5530-5543.

  71. Comite D, Galli A, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “The Role of the Antenna Radiation Pattern in the Performance of a Microwave Tomographic Approach for GPR Imaging”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 10 (10), pp 4337-4347.

  72. Castaldo R, Gola G, Santilano A, De Novellis V, Pepe S, Manzo M, Manzella A, Tizzani P, “The role of thermo-rheological properties of the crust beneath Ischia Island (Southern Italy) in the modulation of the ground deformation pattern”, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 344, pp 154-173.

  73. Yu L, Yang T, Zhao Q, Liu M, Pepe A, “The 2015-2016 Ground Displacements of the Shanghai Coastal Area Inferred from a Combined COSMO-SkyMed/Sentinel-1 DInSAR Analysis”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (11), doi:10.3390/rs9111194.

  74. Catapano I, Soldovieri F, Mazzola L, Toscano C, “THz Imaging as a Method to Detect Defects of Aeronautical Coatings”, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 38 (10), pp 1264-1277.

  75. Brandini C, Taddei S, Doronzo B, Fattorini M, Costanza L, Perna M, Serafino F, Ludeno G, “Turbulent behaviour within a coastal boundary layer, observations and modelling at the Isola del Giglio”, Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 67 (9), pp 1163-1178.

  76. Persico R, Ludeno G, Soldovieri F, De Coster A, Lambot S, “Two-dimensional linear inversion of GPR data with a shifting zoom along the observation line”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (10), doi:10.3390/rs9100980.

  77. Matta E, Giardino C, Boggero A, Bresciani M, “Use of Satellite and in Situ Reflectance Data for Lake Water Color Characterization in the Everest Himalayan Region”, Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 37 (1), pp 16-23.

  78. Fernández J, Pepe A, Poland MP, Sigmundsson F, “Volcano Geodesy: Recent developments and future challenges”, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 344, pp 1-12.

  79. Pareeth S, Bresciani M, Buzzi F, Leoni B, Lepori F, Ludovisi A, Morabito G, Adrian R, Neteler M, Salmaso N, “Warming trends of perialpine lakes from homogenised time series of historical satellite and in-situ data”, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 578, pp 417-426.

  80. Zhang Y, Giardino C, Li L, “Water optics and water colour remote sensing”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (8), doi:10.3390/rs9080818.

  81. Raffa F, Ludeno G, Patti B, Soldovieri F, Mazzola S, Serafino F, “X-band wave radar for coastal upwelling detection off the southern coast of sicily”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 34 (1), pp 21-31.

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