Contributi in rivista - anno 2019

Contributi in rivista: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018


  1. Cazzaniga I, Bresciani M, Colombo R, Della Bella V, Padula R, Giardino C, “A comparison of Sentinel-3-OLCI and Sentinel-2-MSI-derived Chl orophyll-a maps for two large Italian lakes”, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (10), PP 978-987.

  2. Buonanno S, Zeni G, Fusco A, Manunta M, Marsella M, Carrara P, Lanari R, “A GeoNode-Based Platform for an Effective Exploitation of Advanced DInSAR Measurements”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11 (18), doi: 10.3390/rs11182133.

  3. Pagani V, Guarneri T, Busetto L, Ranghetti L, Boschetti M, Movedi E, Campos-Taberner M, Garcia-Haro FJ, Katsantonis D, Stavrakoudis D, Ricciardelli E, Romano F, Holecz F, Collivignarelli F, Granell C, Casteleyn S, Confalonieri R, “A high-resolution, integrated system for rice yield forecasting at district level”, Agricultural Systems, Vol. 168, pp 181-190.

  4. Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Ludeno G, Noviello C, Papa C, Pica G, Soldovieri F, Alberti G, “A low frequency airborne GPR system for wide area geophysical surveys: The case study of Morocco Desert”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 233, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111409.

  5. Bevacqua MT, Bellizzi GG, Isernia T, Crocco L, “A method for effective permittivity and conductivity mapping of biological scenarios via segmented contrast source inversion”, Progress in Electromagnetics, Vol. 164, pp 1-15.

  6. Bevacqua MT, Bellizzi GG, Crocco L, Isernia T, “A method for quantitative imaging of electrical properties of human tissues from only amplitude electromagnetic data”, Inverse Problems, Vol. 35 (2), doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/aaf5b8.

  7. Reale D, Noviello C, Verde S, Cascini L, Terracciano G, Arena L, “A multi-disciplinary approach for the damage analysis of cultural heritage: The case study of the St. Gerlando Cathedral in Agrigento”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 235, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111464.

  8. Viggiano M, Busetto L, Cimini D, Di Paola F, Geraldi E, Ranghetti L, Ricciardelli E, Romano F, “A new spatial modeling and interpolation approach for high-resolution temperature maps combining reanalysis data and ground measurements”, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 276–277, doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.05.021.

  9. Fusco A, Pepe A, Berardino P, De Luca C, Buonanno S, Lanari R, “A Phase-Preserving Focusing Technique for TOPS Mode SAR Raw Data Based on Conventional Processing Methods”, Sensors, Vol. 19 (15), doi: 10.3390/s19153321.

  10. Siad SM, Iacobellis V, Zdrulie P, Gioia A, Stavid I, Hoogenboom G, “A review of coupled hydrologic and crop growth models”, Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 224, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2019.105746.

  11. Berneschi S, Trono C, Bernini R, Giannetti A, Persichetti G, Testa G, Tombelli S, Baldini F, “A waveguide absorption filter for fluorescence measurements”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 281, pp 90-95.

  12. Calamita G, Serlenga V, Stabile TA, Gallipoli MR, Bellanova J, Bonano M, Casu F, Vignola L, Piscitelli S, Perrone A, “An integrated geophysical approach for urban underground characterization: the Avigliano town (southern Italy) case study”, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Vol. 10 (1), pp 412-432

  13. Busetto L, Zwart SJ, Boschetti M, “Analysing spatial-temporal changes in rice cultivation practices in the Senegal River Valley using MODIS time-series and the PhenoRice algorithm”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 75, pp 15-28.

  14. Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Ludeno G, Soldovieri F, “Applying Ground-Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography Data Processing in Cultural Heritage State of the art and future trends”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 36 (4), pp 53 – 61.

  15. Toth VR, Villa P, Pinardi M, Bresciani M, “Aspects of Invasiveness of Ludwigia and Nelumbo in Shallow Temperate Fluvial Lakes”, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00647.

  16. Warren MA, Simis SGH, Martinez-Vicente V, Poser K, Bresciani M, Alikas K, Spyrakos E, Giardino C, Ansper A, “Assessment of atmospheric correction algorithms for the Sentinel-2A MultiSpectral Imager over coastal and inland waters”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 225, pp 267-289.

  17. Longato D, Gaglio M, Boschetti M, Gissi E, “Bioenergy and ecosystem services trade-offs and synergies in marginal agricultural lands: A remote-sensing-based assessment method”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 237, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117672.

  18. Postacchini M, Ludeno G, “Combining numerical simulations and normalized scalar product strategy: A new tool for predicting beach inundation”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 7 (9), doi: 10.3390/jmse7090325.

  19. De Novellis V, Carlino S, Castaldo R, Tramelli A, De Luca C, Pino NA, Pepe S, Convertito V, Zinno I, De Martino P, Bonano M, Giudicepietro F, Casu F, Macedonio G, Manunta M, Manzo M, Solaro G, Tizzani P, Zeni G, Lanari R, “Comment on "The 21 August 2017 M-d 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island" by Nappi et al. (2018)”, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 90 (1), pp 313–315.

  20. Vasquez JAT, Scapaticci R, Turvani G, Bellizzi G, Joachimowicz N, Duchene B, Tedeschi E, Casu MR, Crocco L, Vipiana F, “Design and Experimental Assessment of a 2D Microwave Imaging System for Brain Stroke Monitoring”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2019, doi: 10.1155/2019/8065036.

  21. De Novellis V, Atzori S, De Luca C, Manzo M, Valerio E, Bonano M, Cardaci C, Castaldo R, Di Bucci D, Manunta M, Onorato G, Pepe S, Solaro G, Tizzani P, Zinno I, Neri M, Lanari R, Casu F, “DInSAR Analysis and Analytical Modeling of Mount Etna Displacements: The December 2018 Volcano-Tectonic Crisis”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 46 (11), pp 5817-5827.

  22. Gilardelli C, Stella T, Confalonieri R, Ranghetti L, Campos-Taberner M, García-Haro FJ, Boschetti M, “Downscaling rice yield simulation at sub-field scale using remotely sensed LAI data”, European Journal of Agronomy, Vol. 103, pp 108-116.

  23. Romeo S, Sannino A, Zeni O, Angrisani L, Massa R, Scarfì MR, “Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure and Co-Exposure on Human Lymphocytes: the Influence of Signal Modulation and Bandwidth”, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, doi: 10.1109/ JERM.2019.2918023.

  24. Di Fiore V, Punzo M, Pelosi N, Scotto di Vettimo P, Iavarone M, Budillon F, Zeni G, Lirer F, “Electromagnetic field evaluation and EMI on board during a marine geophysical data acquisition (COSMEI)”, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 147.

  25. Paleari L, Movedi E, Vesely FM, Thoelke W, Tartarini S, Foi M, Boschetti M, Nutini F, Confalonieri, R, “Estimating crop nutritional status using smart apps to support nitrogen fertilization. A case study on paddy rice”, Sensors, Vol. 19 (4), doi: 10.3390/s19040981 .

  26. Ludeno G, Serafino F, “Estimation of the Significant Wave Height from Marine Radar Images without External Reference”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 7 (12), doi: 10.3390/ jmse7120432.

  27. Sembroni A, Molin P, Refice A, Messina A, “Evolution of a hillslope by rock avalanches: insights from analog models”, Landslides, Vol. 16, pp 1841–1853.

  28. Zilioli M, Oggioni A, Tagliolato P, Pugnetti A, Carrara P, “Feeding Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs): actual and potential contributions from LTER-Italy”, Nature Conservation, Vol. 34, pp 477-503.

  29. Vabson V, Kuusk J, Ansko I, Vendt R, Alikas K, Ruddick K, Ansper A, Bresciani M, Burmester H, Costa M, D'Alimonte D, Dall'Olmo G, Damiri B, Dinter T, Giardino C, Kangro K, Ligi M, Paavel B, Tilstone G, Van Dommelen R, Wiegmann S, Bracher A, Donlon C, Casal T, “Field Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400?900 nm Range”, Remote Sensing, Vol 11 (9), doi: 10.3390/rs11091129.

  30. Zilioli M, Lanucara S, Oggioni A, Fugazza C, Carrara P, “Fostering Data Sharing in Multidisciplinary Research Communities: A Case Study in the Geospatial Domain”, Data Science Journal, Vol. 18 (1), doi: 10.5334/dsj-2019-015.

  31. Valerio E, De Novellis V, Manzo M, Tizzani P, “Fractal Study of the 1997-2017 Italian Seismic Sequences: A Joint Analysis of Seismological Data and DInSAR Measurements”, Remote Sensing, Vol 11 (18), doi: 10.3390/rs11182112.

  32. Zhao Q, Ma G, Wang Q, Yang T, Liu M, Gao W, Falabella F, Mastro P, Pepe A, “Generation of long-term InSAR ground displacement time-series through a novel multi-sensor data merging technique: The case study of the Shanghai coastal area”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 154, pp 10-27.

  33. Esposito C, Natale A, Palmese G, Berardino P, Perna S, “Geometric distortions in FMCW SAR images due to inaccurate knowledge of electronic radar parameters: analysis and correction by means of corner reflectors”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 232, doi: 10.1016/ j.rse.2019.111289.

  34. Giardino C, Brando VE, Gege P, Pinnel N, Hochberg E, Knaeps E, Reusen I, Doerffer R, Bresciani M, Braga F, Foerster S, Champollion N, Dekker A, “Imaging Spectrometry of Inland and Coastal Waters: State of the Art, Achievements and Perspectives”, Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 40, pp 401–429.

  35. Stroppiana D, Boschetti M, Azar R, Barbieri M, Collivignarelli F, Gatti L, Fontanelli G, Busetto L, Holecz F, “In-season early mapping of rice area and flooding dynamics from optical and SAR satellite data”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 52 (1), pp 206-220.

  36. Refice A, Spalluto L, Bovenga F, Fiore A, Miccoli MN, Muzzicato P, Nitti DO, Nutricato R, Pasquariello G, “Integration of persistent scatterer interferometry and ground data for landslide monitoring: the Pianello landslide (Bovino, Southern Italy)”, Landslides, Vol. 16 (3), pp 447–468.

  37. Piscitelli S, Soldovieri F, Morelli G, Perrone A, Bellanova J, Calamita G, Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Ludeno G, Catanzariti G, Lauriti E, Graziano G, “Integrazione di misure geofisiche in Piazza Duomo nei Sassi di Matera”, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 60.

  38. Ojha C, Fusco A, Pinto IM, “Interferometric sar phase denoising using proximity-based K-SVD technique”, Sensors, Vol. 19 (12), doi: 10.3390/s19122684.

  39. Kosmas P, Crocco L, “Introduction to Special Issue on "Electromagnetic Technologies for Medical Diagnostics: Fundamental Issues, Clinical Applications and Perspectives", Diagnostics, Vol. 9 (1), doi: 10.3390/diagnostics9010019.

  40. Vabson V, Kuusk J, Ansko I, Vendt R, Alikas K, Ruddick K, Ansper A, Bresciani M, Burmester H, Costa M, D'Alimonte D, Dall'Olmo G, Damiri B, Dinter T, Giardino C, Kangro K, Ligi M, Paavel B, Tilstone G, Van Dommelen R, Wiegmann S, Bracher A, Donlon C, Casal T, “Laboratory Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400-900 nm Range”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11(9), doi: 10.3390/rs11091101.

  41. Sharaf N, Fadel A, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Lemaire BJ, Slim K, Faour G, Vinçon-Leite B, “Lake surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-8 and retrospective analysis in Karaoun Reservoir, Lebanon”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 13 (4), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.13.044505.

  42. Bonfante A, Monaco E, Manna P, De Mascellis R, Basile A, Buonanno M, Cantilena G, Esposito A, Tedeschi A, De Michele C, Belfiore O, Catapano I, Ludeno G, Salinas K, Brook A, “LCIS DSS--An irrigation supporting system for water use efficiency improvement in precision agriculture: A maize case study”, Agricultural Systems, Vol. 176, doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102646.

  43. Lauro SE, Soldovieri F, Orosei R, Cicchetti A, Cartacci M, Mattei E, Cosciotti B, Di Paolo F, Noschese R, Pettinelli E, “Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars-A Probabilistic Inversion Approach”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11 (20), doi: 10.3390/rs11202445.

  44. Yin J, Zhao Q, Yu D, Lin N, Kubanek J, Ma G, Liu M, Pepe A, “Long-term flood-hazard modeling for coastal areas using InSAR measurements and a hydrodynamic model: The case study of Lingang New City, Shanghai”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 571, pp 593-604.

  45. Soldovieri F, Piscitelli S, Perrone A, Bellanova J, Calamita G, Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Ludeno G, Morelli G, Catanzariti G, Lauriti E, Graziano G, “Misure geofisiche realizzate in piazza San Giovanni e nella villa dell'unità d'Italia a Matera”, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 60.

  46. Bresciani M, Giardino C, Stroppiana D, Dessena MA, Buscarinu P, Cabras L, Schenk K, Heege T, Bernet H, Bazdanis G, Tzimas A, “Monitoring water quality in two dammed reservoirs from multispectral satellite data”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 52 (sup4), pp 113-122.

  47. Bevacqua MT, Palmeri R, Scapaticci R, “Multiresolution virtual experiments for microwave imaging of complex scenarios”, Electronics, Vol. 8 (2), doi: 10.3390/electronics8020153.

  48. Florio G, Cella F, Speranza L, Castaldo R, Pierobon Benoit R, Palermo R, “Multiscale techniques for 3D imaging of magnetic data for archaeo-geophysical investigations in the Middle East: the case of Tell Barri (Syria)”, Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 26 (4), pp 379-395.

  49. Catapano I, Ludeno G, Cucci C, Picollo M, Stefani L, Fukunaga K, “Noninvasive Analytical and Diagnostic Technologies for Studying Early Renaissance Wall Paintings”, Surveys in Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09545-9.

  50. Ludeno G, Cavalagli N, Ubertini F, Soldovieri F, Catapano I, “On the Combined Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Crack Meter Sensors for Structural Monitoring: Application to the Historical Consoli Palace in Gubbio, Italy”, Surveys in Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09526-y.

  51. Bellizzi GG, Drizdal T, van Rhoon GC, Crocco L, Isernia T, Paulides MM, “Predictive value of SAR based quality indicators for head and neck hyperthermia treatment quality”, International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol. 36 (1), pp 455-464.

  52. Bevacqua MT, Palmeri R, “Qualitative methods for the inverse obstacle problem: A comparison on experimental data”, Journal of Imaging, Vol. 5 (4), doi: 10.3390/jimaging5040047.

  53. Negishi T, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, Liu Y, Erricolo D, “Radio Frequency Tomography for Nondestructive Testing of Pillars”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2959589.

  54. Chakraborty A, Giuffredi R, “Science and technology for the people? On the framing of innovation in policy discourses in India and in EU”, Journal of Science Communication, Vol. 18 (3), doi: 10.22323/2.18030205.

  55. Zingaro M, Refice A, Giachetta E, D'Addabbo A, Lovergine F, De Pasquale V, Pepe G, Brandolini P, Cevasco A, Capolongo D, “Sediment mobility and connectivity in a catchment: A new mapping approach”, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 672, pp 763-775.

  56. Bellizzi GG, Paulides MM, Drizdal T, van Rhoon GC, Crocco L, Isernia T, “Selecting the Optimal Subset of Antennas in Hyperthermia Treatment Planning”, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 3 (4), pp 240-246.

  57. Tagliolato P, Fugazza C, Oggioni A, Carrara P, “Semantic Profiles for Easing SensorML Description: Review and Proposal”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 8 (8), doi: 10.3390/ijgi8080340.

  58. Gomarasca MA, Tornato A, Spizzichino D, Valentini E, Taramelli A, Satalino G, Vincini M, Boschetti M, Colombo R, Rossi L, Mondino EB, Perotti L, Alberto W, Villa F, “Sentinel for applications in agriculture”, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 42, pp 91-98.

  59. Ghirardi N, Bolpagni R, Bresciani M, Valerio G, Pilotti M, Giardino C, “Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Deep Lake from Sentinel-2 Data”, Water Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Vol. 11 (3), doi: 10.3390/w11030563.

  60. Scarfi MR, Mattsson MO, Simko M, Zeni O, “Special issue: "electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine: From mechanisms to biomedical applications", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16 (22), doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224548.

  61. Persichetti G, Viaggiu E, Testa G, Congestri R, Bernini R, “Spectral discrimination of planktonic cyanobacteria and microalgae based on deep UV fluorescence", Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Vol. 284, pp 228-235.

  62. Borgogno-Mondino E, Sarvia F, Gomarasca MA, “Supporting Insurance Strategies in Agriculture by Remote Sensing: A Possible Approach at Regional Level”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11622, pp 186-199.

  63. Perna S, Alberti G, Berardino P, Bruzzone L, Califano D, Catapano I, Ciofaniello L, Donini E, Esposito C, Facchinetti C, Formaro R, Gennarelli G, Gerekos C, Lanari R, Longo F, Ludeno G, Mariotti d'Alessandro M, Natale A, Noviello C, Palmese G, Papa C, Pica G, Rocca F, Salzillo G, Soldovieri F, Tebaldini S, Thakur S, “The ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11 (16), doi: 10.3390/rs11161845.

  64. Manunta M, De Luca C, Zinno I, Casu F, Manzo M, Bonano M, Fusco A, Pepe A; Onorato G, Berardino P, De Martino P; Lanari R, “The Parallel SBAS Approach for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath Deformation Time-Series Generation: Algorithm Description and Products Quality Assessment”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 57 (9), pp 6259-6281.

  65. Bellizzi GG, Drizdal T, Van Rhoon GC, Crocco L, Isernia T, Paulides MM, “The potential of constrained SAR focusing for hyperthermia treatment planning: Analysis for the head & neck region”, Physics in Medicine & Biology, Vol. 64 (1), doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aaf0c4.

  66. Alani AM, Soldovieri F, Catapano I, Giannakis I, Gennarelli G, Lantini L, Ludeno G, Tosti F, “The Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography for the Detection of Decay and Cavities in Tree Trunks”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11 (18), doi: 10.3390/rs11182073.

  67. Pepe A, “Theory and Statistical Description of the Enhanced Multi-Temporal InSAR (E-MTInSAR) Noise-Filtering Algorithm”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 11 (3), doi: 10.3390/rs11030363.

  68. Al-Khaldi MM, Johnson JT, O'Brien AJ, Balenzano A, Mattia F, “Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 57(7), pp 4322-4331.

  69. Sannino A, Zeni O, Romeo S, Lioi MB, Scarfì MR, “Treatment with 3-Aminobenzamide Negates the Radiofrequency-Induced Adaptive Response in Two Cell Models”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol 16 (15), doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152768.

  70. Pellicani R, Argentiero I, Manzari P, Spilotro G, Marzo C, Ermini R, Apollonio C, “UAV and airborne LiDAR data for interpreting kinematic evolution of landslide movements: The case study of the montescaglioso landslide (Southern Italy)”, Geosciences, Vol. 9 (6), doi: 10.3390/ geosciences9060248.

  71. Sharaf N, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Faour G, Slim K, Fadel A, “Using Landsat and in situ data to map turbidity as a proxy of cyanobacteria in a hypereutrophic Mediterranean reservoir”, Ecological Informatics, Vol. 50, pp 197-206.

  72. Polli D, Faravelli M, Ceresi A, Bordogna G, “Utilizzo dei dati satellitari nel progetto SIMULATOR-ADS”, Progettazione Sismica, Vol. 12 (2), doi: 10.7414/PS.11.2.7-23.

  73. Pepe S, De Siena L, Barone A, Castaldo R, D'Auria L, Manzo M, Casu F, Fedi M, Lanari R, Bianco F, Tizzani P, “Volcanic structures investigation through SAR and seismic interferometric methods: The 2011–2013 Campi Flegrei unrest episode”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 234.

  74. Bignami C, Valerio E, Carminati E, Doglioni C, Tizzani P, Lanari R, “Volume unbalance on the 2016 Amatrice - Norcia (Central Italy) seismic sequence and insights on normal fault earthquake mechanism”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40958-z.

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