Gloria Bordogna | |
Gloria | |
Bordogna | |
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+390223699287 | |
Director of Research |
Gloria Bordogna research activity is mainly concerned with the representation and management of uncertainty and imprecision of information within information retrieval systems, data base management systems, geographic information systems, and decision support systerms by soft computing methods and techniques. She applied fuzzy set theory to define extended Boolean information retrieval models computing relevance ranks for the retrieved documents , extended object oriented data base models to represent uncertain and imprecise data, flexible query languages to allow the specification of linguistic and vague requests for information in both information retrieval systems and (geographic) database management systems, group decision making models accounting for multi criteria evaluations and partial consensus, soft aggregation operators for modeling both metaserach engines list fusion and image and time series fusion, spatio temporal and fuzzy clustering algorithms for textual and georeferenced information analysis. |
Gloria Bordogna received the Laurea degree in Physics from the University of Milano in 1984. After a research contract at Politecnico of Milano, in 1986 she joined CNR where she currently holds the position of senior research scientist at IREA CNR, SS Milano since 1-12-2015. From 2003 to 2010, she was adjunct professor of Information Retrieval and Geographic Information Systems at the Faculty of Engineering of Bergamo University. During 10-2012 and 10-2013 she was visiting researcher at IRSTEA –TETIS in Montpellier. In 2013 she obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification of full professor for the information systems scientific area. She participated in European funded projects as the European projects e-.court, Pen, Ide-Univers, Ermes international projects EXIRPTS, and Italian projects among which RITMARE, SISTEMATI, SPACE4AGRI, CARE-G, SIMULATOR, SIMULATOR-ADS, STRESS, URBAN_GEO BIG DATA, FHfFC . She is in the editorial board of the journals " ACM SIGAPP – Applied Computing Review"and “Intelligent Decision Technologies”. She was a project reviewer of national research agencies such the Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO), from 2008 - 2013, the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA peer reviewer for the “Ideas Specific Program, PE5 and PE7 - Information and Communication Science, ERC Council Starting Grants” during 2007 and 2010-2013, the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2013. She was member of several PhD and Laurea evaluation commissions in Italian and foreigner universities, and member of the commissions of evaluation for several CNR research positions. Since 2008 she co-organizes the special track on Information Access and Retrieval at the ACM SAC. She participated to the organization of scientific events, the first Italian "Workshop on Fuzzy set theory in real applications" (organizing committee) in 1993, the "IEEE International conference on Fuzzy Systems" (area co-Chair) in 1998, the "European Summer School on Information Retrieval" (local organizing committee) in 2000, the “International Conference on Flexible Querying Answering Systems” (organizing committee) in 2006, the “ IEEE – WIC - ACM Int. Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies” (Organization Co-chair) in 2009. She was/is member of A NUMBER OF program committee of international conferences such as ACM SIGIR, ACM ECIR, IEEE ACM WI, KES, WWW, MDAI, ACM CIKM, FQAS, IEEE WI- AIT and collaborateS as a reviewer with several international journals such as IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. on Sys. Man & Cyb., Fuzzy Sets & Systems, Information Processing & Management, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Geographic Information Systems, Soft Computing. She published 200 papers in journals and in the proceedings of international and national conferences among which 90 papers are listed in the Web Of Science. |
Scientific production
Editorial activities " Quality Issues in the Management of Web Information " , Gabriella Pasi, Gloria Bordogna, Lakhmi C. Jain, editors, Springer Verlag, ISRL 50, ISSN 1868-4394, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37688-7_1, 2013.
“ Flexible Databases supporting Imprecision and Uncertainty”, Gloria Bordogna, Giuseppe Psaila, editors, Springer Verlag, nella serie "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing", Vol. 203 2006, XV, 346 p., Hardcover. ISBN: 3-540-33288-X , 2006
“ Spatio-temporal Databases: Flexible Querying and Reasoning ”, Rita de Caluwe, Guy de Trè, Gloria Bordogna editors, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-540-22214-9 Agosto 2004.
"Recent Issues on Fuzzy Databases" , Gloria Bordogna, Gabriella Pasi editors, Physica Verlag, nella serie "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing", ISBN: 978-3-7908-1319-7Vol. 53, 236 pp., Agosto 2000.
"Management of Imprecision and Uncertainty in Information Systems" Gloria Bordogna, Gabriella Pasi guest-editors, "Journal of the American Society for Information Science", Volume 49, numero 3, 1998.
Lists of the scientific published papers can be found at the following links: Google scholar: Scopus Author ID 7003954410
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