Tuesday, 14 February 2017 17:53

INSPIRE, from theory to practice: GET-IT software contributes to spatial data interoperability in Europe


The GET-IT software was recently recognized a useful tool to make the INSPIRE Directive operational. GET-IT is now reviewed and registered in the “INSPIRE in Practice” catalogue. “INSPIRE in Practice” is the official INSPIRE platform dedicated to every user engaged in geographic information domain who would adopt tools contributing to spatial data interoperability among different European countries. “INSPIRE in Practice” is particularly devoted to give visibility to practices and means able to implement the INSPIRE Directive, resulting in an online collaborative framework that fosters the exchange of knowledge and expertise between different users.

GET-IT was developed by CNR-IREA and CNR-ISMAR in the RITMARE research framework in order to enable researchers to manage, share, visualize and download spatial data according to OGC standards. GET-IT allows managing maps, observations and documents by using a single tool resulting in the first open-source collaborative effort toward the integration of traditional geographic information with observational data. GET-IT is a tool that could be easily adopted by a different range of researchers in their working practice, not only to manage different types of spatial data but also to easily compile corresponding metadata. GET-IT includes the EDI metadata editor tool for the guided metadata creation and publication according to INSPIRE standards.

GET-IT is distributed with an open-source license ( GPL v.3.0 ) and through a ready to use virtual machine. More info are available at http://www.get-it.it/


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