Pagine istituzionali

copertina 2011-2014


copertina inglese 2012-2015


Cover 2013-2016


Copertina 2017


Last modified on Monday, 09 September 2019 16:39

gruppo irea


The IREA staff has 83 units, distributed between the headquarters in Napoli and the Secondary Location in Milano, including 43 structured researchers and technologists (10 are temporary researchers), 16 technical and administrative assistants (6 are temporary staff) and 23 unstructured researchers.


Furthermore, 10 associate researchers and many young people in training through scholarships, PhDs, traineeships, and students who carry out their thesis at the Institute, contribute to the research activities.


Alphabetical list

IDL (Interactive Data Language) routines implementing interferogram noise-filtering algorithm 

The interferogram noise-filtering procedure permits to drastically mitigate the decorrelation noise artifacts affecting a sequence of time-redundant multi-look small baseline interferograms by properly exploiting their temporal relationships.


IDL (Interactive Data Language) routines implementing interferogram selection algorithm 

The interferogram selection algorithm permits to identify an optimal network of time-redundant multi-look small baseline interferograms forming a reduced triangulation in the temporal/perpendicular baseline plane, by properly exploiting a Simulated Annealing searching strategy.


In order to download the IDL routines an authorization is required. Please contact dr. Antonio Pepe, at the following e-mail address  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , to ask for credentials (ID and password).

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 13:18
Wednesday, 06 March 2013 11:03
Citta' della Scienza in Naples, the Italian main interactive Science Centre, visited each year by about 350 000 people, example of an innovative and successful dissemination of scientific culture in Italy and in the world, has been almost completely destroyed by a huge fire that in a few hours has…


Last modified on Thursday, 19 July 2012 13:38


In these pages laboratories and equipments of IREA are listed and so the titles of books and reviews in the libraries hosted by IREA and requirements for accessing them.

To facilitate the understanding of two important topics of IREA, that is optical and microwave remote sensing, a glossary in three languages is available.

In this section of the site two interesting and innovative applications of IREA researches are available, the Webgis and the Geoportal, based on satellite images processed by IREA researchers.


Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 14:41

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Last modified on Thursday, 28 June 2012 14:46

Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 14:46
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